
Mientras el FBI intenta atrapar a un retorcido asesino en serie, una agente descubre una serie de pistas que podrían llevarla hasta el criminal y poner fin a su terrorífica ola de asesinatos. (DeAPlaneta)

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español ¡Salve Satanás! Osgood Perkins sirve una experiencia cinematográfica densa para todos aquellos que estén dispuestos a salir de su zona de confort y dejarse arrastrar durante 101 minutos a las aguas diabólicamente desagradables del mal, la ruina y la decadencia. Si Longlegs destaca en algo, es precisamente la atmósfera ominosa y deprimentemente corrosiva que surge desde el primer plano y persiste hasta los créditos finales. La película no ofrece ni una sola escena donde disminuya un poco su gravedad, a veces es posible que te rías con algunas creaciones fenomenales de Nick Cage, pero nunca alcanza un nivel en el que la película pierda su atmósfera asfixiante. Perkins ha consolidado su lugar entre los creadores de género más interesantes de la actualidad - su principal habilidad es el magistral trabajo con la atmósfera y la puesta en escena, que sobresalen completamente entre la oferta genérica habitual. A propósito: Neon merece un aplauso por su campaña de marketing brillante, gracias a la cual cosechó merecidamente los frutos: lograron convertir a Longlegs en el evento de terror del año con una publicidad inteligentemente dirigida. Algunos estarán decepcionados con el producto final, eso es el riesgo del sobrevalor, pero siempre lo tomo con un poco de precaución y al final estoy muy satisfecho con lo que se entregó en las pantallas de cine. ()


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español Osgood Perkins absolutně domina el estilo, lo que descubrimos en los primeros minutos, y sin ninguna duda también domina el contenido, ya que su thriller de terror satánico funciona muy bien, es tenso, sorprendente y ahora mismo es uno de los eventos del género de este año. Quedé sorprendido de lo enganchado que me dejó. Cage y su interpretación aquí son una vez más una cuestión legendaria. Además, es bastante divertido que Perkins pueda utilizar en una película tan enfocada elementos que normalmente se atribuirían más a James Wan (una muñeca demoníaca, un personaje con ojos brillantes debajo de un velo negro, casas con muchos rincones oscuros, una canción pop recurrente), pero los utiliza de una manera absolutamente medida, no primaria y inteligente (y por eso su próxima película estará producida por alguien más que James Wan). Una sorpresa genial, un terror de calidad y definitivamente un logro que vale la pena ver en el cine. ()



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inglés There's no denying Longlegs' awesome atmosphere and very impressive individuality, but I actually have more problems with the final film than I feared. Overall, it's kind of off-kilter, so it doesn't have the flow of a traditional horror-thriller film, but it's also literal, more or less predictable, and without any major surprises, so it doesn't even move within the confines of full-on psycho oddity. I found the whole investigative line of inquiry unsatisfying and futile, with Osgood Perkins basically faking a detective procedural with the birth dates and murders, the cryptic letters; it all sounds and looks cool, but what really came out of it and what was the point? I strongly missed those moments here, where the investigator figures something out and the film is able to explain how those findings move closer to the killer. Here, in contrast, the shifts in the investigation just "happen", or the titular Longlegs sends the protagonist a clue... Nicolas Cage is excellent, excellent, until suddenly he stops being excellent (about the time he starts "singing"), then his performance becomes rather distracting. I'm very hesitant to rate it between 3 and 4 stars, I've already clicked a couple of times. I guess the second screening, which won't be burdened by expectations (which were high now), will have to crack it definitively. ()


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inglés While the international acclaim and impressive trailers promised the event of the year and a film with a cult status in the style of Se7en and The Silence of the Lambs, the result is different and it shows in the final rating, which isn't around 80%. I for one have to say that I haven't enjoyed a crime film like Longlegs in a long time. There's more or less everything I love about the genre, the horror label is only there because of the satanic overtones and the supernatural, otherwise it's a proper crime thriller, with an increasingly better Maika Monroe on the hunt for a serial killer who is murdering families. Nicolas Cage doesn't appear until halfway through the film, but his devilishly creepy performance deserves praise. The atmosphere is suffocating and unpleasant, the audio-visuals are perfect (the sounds were very creepy), the acting is top notch, there were some nasty shots, though we don't get to see outright gore. I'm also happy with the ending, it gives the crime genre a completely fresh and original touch. I almost didn't breathe for most of the film despite the slower pace (I also praise the well written dialogues!). Good film. 8/10. ()


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inglés An atmospheric delight. The pacing is murderously slow, but it’s perfect for the bleak story; the vast majority of the film takes place at night, or in the darkness of houses, or - as in, say, The Silence of the Lambs - in the brisk autumn weather with overcast skies. Osgood Perkins works with the picture format in interesting ways and varies it, and it's all complemented wonderfully by the ominous music and shiver-inducing sound design. Admittedly, for the less knowledgeable, it would be a mistake to go into this as a "Nicolas Cage movie", he's only here for about five minutes in total, but his creation is still memorable and wrung to the marrow. Towards the end it was a little too contrived for me, but you can forgive such nits in a film when you're having such a great time. The fact that the main character is a woman then adds an extra layer of tension because you do worry about her. Perkins is a talent, his dad starred in one of the greatest thrillers of all time, and he makes great thrillers, so the cycle has come full circle. I'll continue to watch him, he’s one smart kid. ()

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