La trampa

  • Estados Unidos Trap (más)
Tráiler 7


Un padre y su hija adolescente asisten a un concierto de música pop, donde se dan cuenta de que están en el centro de un oscuro y siniestro suceso. (Warner Bros. España)

Reseñas (7)



todas reseñas del usuario

inglés This movie is a trap. The trailer and premise hint at something that the viewer only receives in a limited fashion, and instead of suppressing doubt, it only escalates. Despite the potential, the character psychology is treated superficially, and there isn't even a moment where the firefighter-butcher drops a wedding ring on the floor and realizes why no one has caught him yet. I'm not as enthusiastic about Hartnett; he often overacts, much like he did under the parachute with Kate Beckinsale. I also disagree with the crucial idea from the FBI profiler specialist. Among the dads who have to listen to hours of squealing from fanatical teenage girls over glitzy consumer pop music, there might not be just one with murderous tendencies... ()


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español Incluso el tema con el personaje principal - un asesino carismático y a la vez inquietante que intenta escapar de la trampa pública - es muy poco explorado en el género. Y Shyamalan ha escrito y dirigido cuidadosamente su búsqueda de una salida, también ha perfilado de manera creíble su percepción psicopática y reacciones a situaciones de estrés inesperadas. Y no solo dentro de esa trampa, sino también, y especialmente, fuera de ella. Josh Hartnett es una elección interesante y actúa precisamente. La falta de un gran giro a lo Shyamalan no importa, la película maneja hábilmente la tensión desviándose con giros impredecibles. A veces exagera con las habilidades del protagonista, pero no tanto como para perder la confianza del espectador o resultar cómico. También se agradecen referencias como Shyamalan en el papel de un trabajador del concierto, en el que canta su verdadera hija Saleka (a quien papá seguramente le gustaría ver igualmente famosa), o el discreto logo "Los Vigilantes" en uno de los edificios al fondo, como título de la Los vigilantes de su otra hija Ishana, estrenada en cines unos meses antes que esta película. ()


todas reseñas del usuario

español Director y actor principal necesitan reiniciar sus carreras. Lamento que esta película probablemente no les ayudará en eso, aunque ambos lo merecen. Una trama excelente, tensión dosificada correctamente, la cuestión de la conciencia, a quién apoyamos en la historia y a qué precio, un poco de humor aquí y allá y la encantadora hija del director principalmente en el papel de cantante. Mis críticas menores van dirigidas a los últimos veinte minutos, que fueron demasiado elaborados y poco realistas, ¿pero quizás ese era el propósito? ()


todas reseñas del usuario

inglés I'm not really into Saleka Shyamalan's shallow pop for teenage girls, but who I absolutely enjoyed was the fan-tas-tic Josh Hartnett. Every look he gave, every twitch of his face, was completely telling of the momentary situation he was in. Great performance. And M. Night Shyamalan proves once again what he's been strongest at his entire career. Namely, coming up with a completely original, unorthodox concept that he has always alternately managed to follow through with. And that's true here too. The first half, about the search for an exit from the encirclement, is a great piece of screenwriting, but unfortunately, after the twist in the middle and Lady Raven's involvement in the plot, it stopped being interesting. Firstly because of the haphazard logic and also because Shymalan's daughter simply doesn't have the acting skills to pull this off. But all things considered, after the terrible Glass, when I had already broken my stick over Shyamalan, I actually liked his last two films quite a bit beyond my expectations. It's not a return to the limelight, more like a light echo of his great beginnings. ()



todas reseñas del usuario

inglés The trailers for Trap were awesome and it was tempting to see two comebacks: M. Night Shyamalan and Josh Hartnett, but it only half came to fruition, unfortunately. The film is a bit too basic for Shyamalan, everything is quite clearly laid out, there are not enough surprises and, most importantly, it lacks the typical Shyamalan twist, which is probably the biggest disappointment. The concept with the killer at a concert is pretty cool, Saleka Shyamalan looks good and sings well, but nothing really happens and everything interesting is already in the trailer. It's not even as suspenseful, smart and intense as it seemed at first glance. But it’s not all is bad, Hartnett gives a decent performance as a psychopath and thankfully the film never gets boring, I just won't it film again for sure and streaming would have suited it better. Too bad there weren't some murders and a mind fuck twist. 55% ()


todas reseñas del usuario

inglés A cute premise, original and enjoyable, plus an extremely likeable Josh Hartnett as a laid-back dad at a concert of his daughter's favourite singer. Pity about the few hallucinatory coincidences that take the edge off the thrilling cat-and-mouse game. Still, a very satisfying M. Night Shyamalan, who this time was mostly having fun and promoting his daughter's singing career. What a great dad. ()


todas reseñas del usuario

inglés I must appreciate the fact that the trailer only shows less than half of the film, so the whole second half is hidden from the viewer and we have no idea what will happen and where the plot will go. Next, I have to point out Josh Hartnett's acting, this is literally his one-man show and a showcase of an A-list performance, backed by M. Night Shyamalan's experience (though not always successful or apt), all brought to perfection. But the rest of it is just so... well. The first half on the show is fantastic, the gradual revelation of who the killer is, how he's going to get out and all these detours from the main line to the surrounding corners looking for an escape were all great, suspenseful and most importantly entertaining. The problem comes in the second half, which I would have taken without reservations if it made even a little bit of sense. Unfortunately, it gradually snowballed and piled nonsense upon nonsense until gradually the limits of what I could tolerate began to overflow. There was no shortage of suspense here either, for the most part, but the incredible "twists and turns" made it a very weak finish to a ending that was itself also silly. Unlike many others, I'm not yet dismissing Shyamalan and I still like quite a lot of his stuff (Knock at the Cabin), but here I have to admit it's a drastic downward slide from him and his attempt to make an "ordinary" thing may well have backfired as he wanted to make so much that he lost himself in it and got swallowed up in it. Pure average, the rating of which will depend on your tolerance level... That said, the film still has something to it, it's just probably not as intense as everyone expected from the trailers. ()