Charlot héroe del patín

  • España Charlot: patinador (más)


Charlot trabaja como camarero en un restaurante y sufre un percance con un cliente testarudo y gordinflón (Mr. Stout). Tras acabar su jornada se dirige hacia un local de patinaje donde casualmente se encuentra con Stout, y ambos competirán por la atención de una guapa joven que también ha ido a patinar. (Mercury Films)

Reseñas (2)


todas reseñas del usuario

inglés A typically crazy and goofy Charlie Chaplin slapstick full of falls, mischief and roller-skating. Chaplin shows himself to be a masterful skater who handles every fall and his own coordination to perfection. This is definitely one of his more hilarious slapstick films, which stands out especially for the well-managed physical acting. ()


todas reseñas del usuario

inglés I think this is the perfect Chaplin slapstick that is purely about fun, nothing more, and so it’s one great gag after another until it's over. As a waiter, Chaplin is excellent, whether he calculates spending by the soiling of the guest or fighting with his colleagues and the boss, fleeing back and forth. But then he grabs his skates during the lunch break... And the real concert begins. What he does imply needs to be seen. Ideally several times for as long as your diaphragm keeps working. ()


Galería (7)