La serpiente y el arco iris

  • Estados Unidos The Serpent and the Rainbow (más)

Streaming (1)


Un antropólogo de Harvard es enviado a Haití para investigar sobre unos extraños polvos de magia negra, de los cuales se dice que tienen el poder de salvar vidas que van hacia la muerte. En esta búsqueda por encontrar la milagrosa droga, los científicos cínicos desaprueban la rara visión jamás vista de la existencia de zombies y ritos sangrientos. (United International Pictures)


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Reseñas (2)


todas reseñas del usuario

inglés I like Bill Pullman and his presence and performance are pretty much the only things that impressed me about this film. Maybe it's not so much the director's fault, but rather the premise itself, from which nothing good can be extracted, yet Craven definitely could have pushed the envelope a lot more in terms of atmosphere or scares and not just try to scare the viewer with visions taking place in a dream (force of habit I guess). The story moves towards its conclusion without much emotion and at the end I was left with a feeling of emptiness rather than satisfaction, which is why I have to round down from 2.5*. ()


todas reseñas del usuario

inglés Good. Decent atmosphere, a brilliant Bill Pullman and a pretty innovative story elevated this film to a slightly above-par level. The only problem I have with The Serpent and the Rainbow is purely personal. Voodoo is a topic I really don’t care for and whenever it shows up it kills a film. This one wasn’t boring, though, it’s entertaining enough in a B-movie way, but I certainly don’t need to watch it again. ()


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