Vanessa Hope

Vanessa Hope


Vanessa Hope started her movie career in China, where she produced several films, including The Story of Ermei by Wang Quanan and Chantal Akerman's segment "Nightfall Over Shanghai (April 2007)" (from The State of the World, 2007), screened at Cannes. She shot the shorts China in Three Words, China Connection: Jerry, and China Connection: Joan, which were presented at the Palm Springs fest and at Doc NYC.
She directed and produced a documentary web series for NYU's US-Asia Law Institute entitled "Law, Life & Asia." As a producer she was also responsible for the Academy Award-nominated documentary William Kunstler: Disturbing the Universe, directed by Sarah and Emily Kunstler and shown at Sundance. Prior to her film career she worked on foreign policy issues at the Council on Foreign Relations and at the National Committee on US-China Relations.

MFF Karlovy Vary





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