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las evaluaciones últimas (2,513)

Hovory s TGM (2018)


Una receta familiar (2018)


El lobo y el león (2021)


Marzhaye bi payan (2023)


El último lobo (2015)


Amundsen (2019)


The Imitation Game (Descifrando Enigma) (2014)


Belle (2013)


Něbesnyje žjony lugovych mari (2012)



Última publicación en el diario (51)

Free Zone

Nádherná mozaika, která se skládá opravdu kamínek po kamínku. Už samotný hudební úvod je prostě silná káva, hlavně co se týče textu úvodní písně, protože ten prostě říká úplně všechno, o čem je celý izraelsko-palestinský konflikt... zbytečný začarovaný kruh, v němž trpí vzájemně obě strany. Jak říká jedna z hrdinek, Palestinka Laila, kdyby uměli Izraelci aspoň tak dobře arabsky, jako umí Palestinci hebrejsky, možná, že by situace vypadala jinak... Kdo ví, ale rozhodně každá z hrdinek má na věc užitečný názor a její hledisko je úhel, z něhož lze celou věc nahlédnout tak, aby se dalo aspoň trochu pochopit celý ten historicko-politicko-společensko kulturní spletenec...

Úvodní píseň - její anglický překlad:
My father bought it
For just two coins
The lamb! The lamb!
My father bought it
For just two coins
As the Haggadah relates
Along came the cat
And ate up the lamb
The dog choked the cat
That ate the lamb
That my father bought
For just two coins
The lamb! The lamb!
Along came the stick
To beat the dog
That choked the cat
That ate the lamb
That my father bought
That he bought
For just two coins
The lamb! The lamb!
Then came a fire
And burnt the stick
That beat the dog
That choked the cat
That ate the lamb
That my father bought
For just two coins
The lamb! The lamb!
Then water came
And quenched the fire
That burnt the stick
That beat the dog
That choked the cat
That ate the lamb
That my father bought
For just two coins
The lamb! The lamb!

Then came an ox and drank the water
That quenched the fire
That burnt the stick
That beat the dog
That choked the cat
That ate the lamb
That my father bought
For just two coins
The lamb! The lamb!
Along came a butcher and
killed the ox that drank the water
That quenched the fire
That burnt the stick
That beat the dog
That choked the cat
That ate the lamb
That my father bought

Then came the Angel of Death
And slew the butcher
Who killed the ox
That drank the water
That quenched the fire
That burnt the stick
That beat the dog
That choked the cat
That ate the lamb
That my father bought
For just two coins
The lamb! The lamb!
Why do you sing, little lamb?
Spring isn't yet here
And Passover neither
Have you changed?

I have changed this year
And every evening,
Like each evening,
I have only asked four questions
But, tonight,
I have thought of another question
How long will this circle of horror last?
Tonight, I have thought
of another question
How long will this circle of horror last?
Of persecutor and persecuted,
Of executioner and victim
When will this madness end?
What has changed this year?
This year, I have changed
I was a meek lamb
I have become a tiger
and a wild wolf
I was a dove, a gazelle
Today, I don't know who I am
My father bought it
For just two coins
The lamb! The lamb!
Our father bought it
For just two coins
And everything is starting again.