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La momia (2017) 

inglés It is so, so conflicting, what a shame. For a while it's an adaptation of Uncharted with everything, for a while it is and adventurous silly action movie with an annoying sidekick à la modern Mummy, for a while it continues in the darkened mode of gothic horror, at times it would very much like to refer to the style of good old universal movies, it often uses to the contemporary blockbuster plague "CGI solves everything", in the style of all contemporary franchise movies that make the universe go round, future thing are more indicated and actually told and... And you probably already got the idea. On the other hand, it's well-paced, most of the action has a drive, and even though it would be nice to replace Cruise with someone like new Price/Lee, nothing bad can be said about him this time. We cannot say it is a modernization of a (let alone respectful) of a true classic movie from the Universal department not even remotely. But as a (so far purely on the paper) more advanced alternative of all comic book cinemas series it´s enough to get by. Especially if the movie would have been in the same mode throughout the footage, preferably in Uncharted mode with slightly horror stylization.


Alien: Covenant (2017) 

inglés The fourth best Alien. Or the second worst, if you want. Anyway, the second Prometheus makes more of the same mistakes than a regular fresh take on a fifth entry of a franchise. It's mainly saved by the visuals, Fassbender and a few moments of impressive intensity.


Guardianes de la Galaxia Vol. 2 (2017) 

inglés Blockbuster equivalent of the 90th TV Nova Saturday variety show, too colorful, trying to be funny at all costs, but it´s simply not funny. It´s excessively long, dull and relies only on famous people making faces. Perhaps only Petr Novotný was a better villain than these ones. The characters themselves are not that bad, but the way they are (not) uses in a confusing coloring book digital is hopeless. The first hour can keep up with the first movie in terms of quality, put the second one destroys the whole "feel good" concept.


Z, la ciudad perdida (2016) 

inglés Worse version of The Mountains of the Moon meets a worse version of There Will Be Blood. Which does not mean, however, that in any respect it was a boring or perhaps even a bad movie. On the contrary, this is not so adventurous movie about Conrad's destructive obsession with finding a chimera, and exactly the kind of old-school movie that would fit in a movie theater with the clatter of a classic "obsolete" film tape rather than the air-conditioned silence disturbed by popcorn crunch. The only mistake is that, unlike the best movies in this department, this works a little worse if you already know Fawcett's adventures.


Los rescatadores en Cangurolandia (1990) 

inglés While the first part is completely forgotten, which is understandable, the second part, which was forgotten even sooner, so no one really remembers watching it (let alone remembering what was the movie about). And to tell you the truth I feel sorry about it. It is not typical as it´s purely adventurous Disney movie that is so goal-oriented that even thought the footage equals the one of the first move, you will get the impression that it´s 50 % shorter. Too bad they never made TV series from it. The potential of this theme is simply huge. After all, it is much closer to the feature version of the Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers than to the movies Disney in the movie theater until now.


De Padres a Hijas (2015) 

inglés A tearful Hallmark-type melodrama where only excellent cast and the fact that the movie is not forced to much make the movie bearable. Which, of course, doesn't mean that emotions are not in the spotlight, because they are, and a lot. However, even if being completely cynical I cannot say that I don´t care. Simply because I cared.


Fast & Furious 8 (2017) 

inglés It´s really sad when a similar essence of überblockbuster, which would like to rely on long excessive action-packed CGI escapades full of dozens of raining cars or nuclear submarines chasing the most luxurious sport cars on the planet, where perhaps two consecutive sequences cannot do without a Bay-scale explosion, only work during scenes where testosterone sparkles between Rock and Statham, where one or the other takes on the role of babysitter or women team coach, where Charlize and Kurt fully enjoy the guilty pleasure potential of their counterparts, etc. Thanks to making this movie move up to another level in term of everything (I was surprised it could be more absurd), this movie is the better one from the last two movie. But still, it has not found balance between various (what is missing are classic kicking someone´s ass moments which is a shame and it´s hard to believe with this cast) incomprehensible), team work and within the scope of a stylishly exaggerated blockbuster of the five. #family


Wołyń (2016) 

inglés (Non) humanized (non) adaptation of Snyder's freezing Bloody Lands in the form of Ukrainian-Polish-German-Russian-Jewish (non) coexistence. But it is sadly fragmented into individual scenes from hell à la Come and see at the expense of cohesion. Gradually, the viewer becomes apathetic in the same way the main character does. Whether or not it was a purpose and how much it is / is not useful to the overall experience is a completely different question.


Los pitufos: La aldea escondida (2017) 

inglés Adults and teenagers are not allowed to watch. This movie is only for pre-school children, perhaps for the primary school children too. Which is not necessarily a drawback, it just surprising a bit. Because today even the greatest animated childish craziness has at least some adults jokes to keep parents entertained. Anyway, for the target group, it´s exactly what one would expect. In just a few seconds, it picks up the escapade pace that won´t slow down, so it runs grotesquely runs/falls/jumps/dances/trips/sail/fights/smurfs, etc. And at the same time it never becomes dull or unbearable. The result is a standard episode which has been stretched beyond its limits to make a feature film.


Brimstone: La hija del predicador (2016) 

inglés To his own detriment, it deals to much with constantly increasing suffering purely for suffering´s sake. In this case, more than anywhere else, less would be more. The constant martyrdom of the central heroine caused by all men makes the viewer become indifferent, not disgusted. At the same time, this would fix even the biggest snag in the form of too long footage. In any case, as an impressively constructed drama of a (non) western with a patina of a fatal Greek tragedy about a loving "a little" misogynistic father and a "ungrateful" excellent daughter that love men too much. Especially because there are some moments of hypnotic enchantment and because of great acting of Dakota.