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Holocausto caníbal (1980) 

inglés A (non)movie that is the embodiment of the term “controversial". Cannibal Holocaust is a hard movie to rate. It has no story, no actors either and the only thing that Cannibal Holocaust stands on is its “behind the scenes legend" about how (un)realistic the scenes are. It achieves its aim - to disgust - indisputably excellently, but at the same time it is a boring hundred minutes of tasteless masturbation about nothing. But still you learn something from it. Perhaps that nobody has the right to kill live animals for any kind of movie. But what if that wasn’t the point after all? You don’t know? Well nor do I. Perhaps you will uncover that proclaimed supposed philosophical side of it. Or perhaps not.


The Lost Room (2006) (serie) 

inglés Almost a typical King movie that paradoxically has nothing whatsoever to do with Stephen King. An awesome idea with great potential about a motel room where something happened and ordinary things in it that you use everyday gain “weird" powers. From absolutely unusable ones, through humorous ones, to highly useful ones... This three-part miniseries has just three points that drain its credit. One of them is fundamental for the resulting quality. Firstly, the story is rather fragmented in the first half. Secondly, despite it being full of original ideas, much, really so much more could have been got out of this theme. And thirdly the production design looks exceedingly poor, which is rather surprising at a time when so many series look like movies. But these blemishes on its beauty are made up for by good actors, a perfect screenplay, the unarguable interest value of the topic and, last but not least, a great soundtrack.


Hulk (2003) 

inglés An adaptation of a comic book that was a little before its time. It was one of the first to favor psychological aspects over action. Both elements are here and both great, although the low-key part is central point and the pillar carrying all of Hulk's weight. Eric Bana made the most of his opportunity, Jennifer Connelly is enchanting as usual and the rest of the cast fits its roles too. The only downside is that it is so strictly divided into a long psychological section at the beginning and pure action at the end. Better balanced blending might have improved things.


Mothman: La última profecía (2002) 

inglés It starts very good, it continues mediocrely and ends very badly. Wasted potential translated into a completely mediocre and uninteresting film.


Más extraño que la ficción (2006) 

inglés Creator-chameleon Marc Foster has again chosen a subject that we wouldn’t expect from him - a variation on The Truman Show. And, as usual, he filmed an outstanding picture that is like all of his previous ones, although it trips up a little with the not completely kosher ending. However, this time this comes after such a gush of originality, playful narrative techniques, disarming ideas and visual tricks that it doesn’t really matter. Everything here is like clockwork - the actors is outstanding, the screenplay too and if you add to this the sure-handed and ingenious directing, it’s hard not to fall in love with this story about this boring guy, Harold Crick. Despite the ending which I would have preferred if it had come a few minutes sooner.


The Adventures of Brisco County Jr. (1993) (serie) 

inglés The creators were fully aware of the main asset of the whole series. The unarguable charisma of Bruce Campbell who the entire series is built around. And then we have a mix of technical gadgets, action, humor, adventure and the atmosphere of the Wild West. Without Bruce this would simply be a tedious mishmash of all of the above. With him, this is still, after all these years, an unforgettable series of my youth.


Xena: La princesa guerrera (1995) (serie) 

inglés Unlike Hercules: The Legendary Journeys, Xena was quite watchable. It was second-rate fantasy, but it should be said that most of it was quite entertaining. But even so, a whole one star is mostly for Bruce Campbell as the King of Thieves.


El ejército de las tinieblas (1992) 

inglés A feature-length reinforcement of the cult named Bruce Campbell. The story is non-existent, the atmosphere too and the other actors aren’t even worth a mention. But Bruce and his charisma make all of these negatives seem so petty. The end of the trilogy where Sam Raimi and his ingenious and inventive directing or any kind of a story is important anymore. It’s all about Bruce here, Bruce and... did I say that Bruce plays in this?


Terroríficamente muertos (1987) 

inglés Bruce is clearly worth a five, but the rest of it doesn't exactly work very well. Unlike the first one, it lacks atmosphere and, unlike the third, the aura of a totally bonkers cult-classic. Evil Dead II is a funny thing, but that’s it.


Simón y Mateo (1975) 

inglés A more than successful clone of Hill and Spencer's "buddy" films. So good, in fact, that it's better than many of the films of the original inseparable slapping duo.