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Salvar al soldado Ryan (1998) 

inglés A film that will forever remain the film of THAT one scene of the Omaha Beach landing. It’s a shame, because the rest is also excellent.


Los cazafantasmas (1984) 

inglés Who you gonna call? Ghostbusters! A legendary comedy now. A picture where the result of evaluation is not influenced in any way by nostalgia. Simply because Ghostbusters is somehow timeless. For its time it was technically innovative, had perfect chemistry between the actors, lots of references (not just) to celebrated horrors and mainly it’s a perfect summertime romp that you can repeat over and over and over again.


Robot Jox (1989) 

inglés A total B-movie in all aspects, which tried to cash in on the peaking fame of Transformers and BattleTech toward the end of the eighties. The directing, the technical side and the acting performances (if you can call them that) is all absolutely mediocre. But the battle of Robot Jox doesn’t even pretend to be anything more. It is entertaining and, occasionally, to be honest a bit ridiculous, short and punchy. In its essence, I personally find these clumsy, giant junkers a lot more pleasant than Michael Bay’s rather bland CGI goons seventeen years its junior. Although this is more likely thanks to nostalgia value, working at full throttle in this case, than to quality.


Personal Velocity: Three Portraits (2002) 

inglés I didn’t like the “independent at all costs" style in which Rebecca Miller approached these portraits. Particularly the over-use of the narrator was downright bothersome. It is cheap and should probably have been made into a radio play. However, Personal Velocity has certain qualities that cannot be denied. While Delia and Greta’s stories are potentially interesting, but boring in form, the portrait of Paula is at least a piece of quality filmmaking, if nothing else. The almost zero use of music was disappointing. All the time I couldn’t help thinking that I was watching a variation on The Hours, just several quality levels lower.


Richard III. (2002) (grabación teatral) 

inglés “No beast so fierce but knows some touch of pity... But I know none, and therefore am no beast." Morávek didn’t handle this adaptation of the Shakespeare classic too well. I can’t say it’s actually bad, but it is brought down considerably because it doesn’t work as a unit. Some occasional powerful moments make up for this rather shaky overall product, but paradoxically these are mainly scenes where Pavel Zedníček doesn’t make an appearance. He is the stumbling block for this entire play. Try as he might, he doesn’t manage to convince the viewer by his Richard III even for a second. Which, with a play that focuses primarily on the title role, is bad. Really, really bad. Unfortunately, Richard III is just another in a quickly growing series of badly adapted Shakespeare appearing recently on the Czech stage.


En busca de la felicidad (2006) 

inglés Out of the frying pan, into the fire... Chris Gardner’s life in a nutshell. The Pursuit of Happyness has just three shortcomings, but they are so serious that they make this potentially good movie into a wreck that has nothing to offer. The first is the overly-long running time, then it’s the rather lackadaisical and plodding directing and then the main protagonist. Although Will Smith’s acting is perfect as usual and his character is absolutely convincing. Which, rather paradoxically, is the biggest problem because he plays the most awfully unpleasant central character that the silver screen has ever seen. Sycophantic, incapable of providing for his family, ingratiating, bothersome, selfish, dumb (he has no common sense at all). Simply the kind of guy that everyone would despise. I couldn’t shake the feeling throughout the movie that he does everything just for himself and his son just stumbled randomly into this situation. When I think about how much this is idealized and far from reality, I am surprised that anybody wanted to make a movie about a guy like that. But the truth is that it is a story about reforging the American Dream into reality. Something that we have already seen countless times with protagonists that I felt I could wish all the success in the world to. A sub-average movie with excellent actors and a neat soundtrack. It’s not unbearable, but it’s totally superfluous.


Saturnin (1994) 

inglés Apart from Vízner in the central role, I’m not particularly happy with the cast. Which might not matter if they had at retained at least the spirit of the original novel. In that respect the screenwriter totally failed. The overall impression isn’t improved by the technical quality that looked like a rather cheap TV production. Saturnín isn’t a bad picture at all, but it’s just too mediocre and unworthy of the original. Nothing more and nothing less.


Byl jednou jeden polda II - Major Maisner opět zasahuje! (1997) ¡Boo!

inglés Major Maisner in action again! Hurray!!! Hurray... Hurray? No, dear Soukup, thank you, but really we don’t want this indescribably idiotic variation on Police Academy ever to raise its head again on our screens. Otherwise it might have permanent consequences for our sanity. You know what, Maisner? Crawl into a corner and die and never again even a peep out of you! Yours sincerely, TV Nova viewers.


Dracula 3000 (2004) (telepelícula) 

inglés It's idiocy to the nth degree, but there are few things with such ridiculous and almost perfect dialogue... Unforgettable.


La bestia bajo el asfalto (1980) 

inglés I am fully aware of how bad Alligator is, but it is so bad that it’s almost adorably ridiculous. And why not admit it honestly, it is in a way a video cult-classic for a generation. This is just something you want to see on a VHS tape with boring monologo-dubbing.