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The Leviathan (2015) 

inglés A very thrilling and technically skillfully made four-minute sci-fi short set in the future, in which, besides hunters, giant monsters called Leviathans also run through the sky. It would definitely be interesting to make a feature-length film as well - the visuals are already solid, so it would all depend on some kind of story that wasn't completely stupid.


Movie: The Movie (2012) 

inglés A crazy assemblage of a few dozen Hollywood celebrities gathered in one film "under the baton" of Jimmy Kimmel seems on the one hand imaginative, but on the other hand it was a rather dry and slightly embarrassing scream into the ether.


WolfCop (2014) 

inglés WolfCop makes an average impression as a horror comedy, but it still has drive and doesn't shy away from the dark humour that is appropriate for such a film. The main character, Lou, is an unreliable jerk, alcoholic and troublemaker all rolled into one, something that doesn't really change even after his transformation into a werewolf, except perhaps for his more bloodthirsty behavior, so he doesn't take any shit from the criminals in the small town where he lives. Overall, the film had a hardened and raw effect on me, which was underscored by the choice of grittier music. An unconventional genre hybrid with pros and cons that balance out in the end - hence the pure average.


The Normal Heart (2014) (telepelícula) 

inglés The Normal Heart is an ambitious TV movie, whose pillars of success lie in a very good cast and, above all, in a thorny subject. It's really interesting to see what things were like in the LGBT community in the early 1980s when the unstoppable evil of AIDS came to light. Everyone dealt with the issue in their own way back then - some tried to deal with it early on, others ignored the threat until their horrific deaths or simply stood idly by. The film covers quite an extensive period and gives a fairly authentic account of what was going on at the time. In the context of TV movies, it is definitely an above-average piece that deserves audience attention and critical acclaim. A truly evocative trip into a period of one of the greatest milestones of medicine but also of humanity itself, offering dense material for reflection.


Scooby-Doo! Frankencreepy (2014) 

inglés Frankecreepy is a bit of a different Scooby Doo in its conception, as all of the main characters find themselves in a life situation not at all like their own (Fred and his grief over the loss of his car, Velma and her overly crazy ambition, Daphne and her surprisingly sagging self-esteem, plus Shaggy and Scooby who aren't afraid). The funniest part was probably the repeated references to the unfortunate fate of the Mystery Machine, which ended up in flames. Otherwise, this is a completely average affair with a typically mysterious and slightly creepy feel. In short, a likeable pice that doesn't impress but doesn't offend either.


Dulce capullo (2014) 

inglés Sweet Cocoon is rather less entertaining and in terms of animation below average film, which does not impress with its story, characters or point, which is a bit predictable. All in all, a short film that is only suitable for one viewing and there is no need to return to it.


Big Top Scooby-Doo! (2012) 

inglés I love werewolves in movies, and since Scooby Doo is such an unpretentious pice, Big Top Scooby-Doo! was an obvious choice for a free evening. This episode was acceptably humorous (i.e. not as infantile as other Scooby Doo movies), dynamic, and a little scary as far as furry monsters go. I really liked the opening imaginative intro, the setting in the circus, and the story had something going for it too. All in all, average and harmless entertainment that's great for padding out your free time.


Scooby-Doo! Moon Monster Madness (2015) 

inglés This time, Scooby-Doo is borrowing from (or rather, ripping-off) Alien, which is obvious at first glance ( a monster, a robot, a spaceship with no escape, etc.), and the visuals are also a bit different. In terms of humour, this episode was a bit drier, but again, it was all the more skillfully animated, so the pros and cons were balanced out in the end. In short, another of the many adventures of a bunch of kids who just happen to stumble upon a mystery and solve it.


Espías (2015) 

inglés Spy is the first comedy in a long time that had me rolling on the floor laughing and clutching my stomach - I have to say that right from the start. Unlike the previous film, Bridesmaids, which also starred Melissa McCarthy and Rose Byrne under the direction of Paul Feig, the emphasis with Spy was more on less unsavoury scenes and the focus was mainly on parodying spy movies, and no expense was spared on the comedic use of violence, the clumsiness of the main character and the sharp vocabulary (which was already spicy in Bridesmaids). Personally, it was Susan Cooper's unmistakable clumsiness and sharp demeanour that amused me the most, it made me laugh out loud more than once (the scenes with the blond Anton). Plus Jason Statham, who is basically parodying himself, and in a very good way, was superb. All in all, a sharp comedy that doesn't pull any punches, is brisk, tough, funny – fun guaranteed.


La juventud (2015) 

inglés Youth is an audiovisually opulent and superbly acted reflection on old age and youth that is both comic and tragic, with both opposites always used appropriately and effectively. The story is set in a seemingly ordinary spa, but inhabited by a variety of characters who can both make you laugh and move you with their behaviour and speeches. I really liked the beautifully colourful shots of nature and the overall camera work, which flirted with the people and objects around it. In addition to the captivating imagery, I was carried away on the film's enchanting musical score, which was impossible to ignore and perfectly completed the atmosphere of each scene. Each of the characters had something of their own story to tell, so I could hardly say which one captivated me the most. An artfully made film that could be considered a metaphor for life, as there are moments that make you smile as well as sad.