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Directores favoritos (9)

David Lynch

best psychonaut ever !!!!! Did the idea of the movie come before the idea of self-distributing it? David Lynch answer : Oh yeah. People would tell me that Ive got a three hour picture that no one understands. But I long for the 14 year old girls in the Midwest to fall in love with Inland Empire and embrace it. That would be so cool. I dont see why it couldnt happen but theres a whole bunch of things happening and I dont know all of it at all. Its a feeling that the studios are just following the music industry. The music industry used to be a big advantage to artists and then those advantages started going down and down and down. To the point where they say, Jack give me your final album and maybe well distribute it. Theyre going down low enough so that you say, Well wait a minute. Im going to do the same amount of work, take this advance and thats the last nickel Im ever going to see. You dont see another nickel even if your film is doing good. How depressing is that? So Id rather go a different route and take my chances. Its a little bit thrilling to do it. It is a large amount of work but Im getting to meet the people. Im getting to meet the theater owners and Im taking a hair more responsibility than in the past. I think its the way of the future.

Tim Burton

surrealist! on a ještě H.R. Giger a Švankmajer nikdo jiný už  neví....

Luis Buñuel

Respect..chtěl bych někdy poznat někoho jako byl on.

Tarsem Singh

Very special style of making movies..he is able to show what might be occured in human brain just in very enjoyable way.I wish you shadow to your face and plss never give up your game with reality against inner space of human mind. My favorite fairytailes teller..

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