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Diario (114)

In the mood for diving


In the mood for Ophelia


In the mood for Ophelia

In the mood for Art

Dante Gabriel Rosetti

In the mood for Art

In the mood for VAST

close your eyes
let me touch you now
let me give you something that is real
close the door
leave your fears behind
let me give you what you're giving me
you are the only thing
that makes me want to live at all
when i am with you
there's no reason to pretend
that when i am with you i feel flames again
just put me inside you
i would never ever leave
just put me inside you
i would never ever leave

In the mood for VAST

In the mood for Vypsaná fixa

Sophie Lorenová! Visí na plakátě u mě doma.

In the mood for Vypsaná fixa

In the mood for rock'n'roll

Almost famous, Penny Lane, jediná pořádná role Kate Hudson.

In the mood for rock'n'roll

In the mood for Absolvent

Po xté.

In the mood for Absolvent

In the mood for Havana


In the mood for Havana

In the mood for blitz!


In the mood for blitz!

In the mood for Leon

Maličká Natalie.

In the mood for Leon

In the mood for Birds

Hitchcock se obrací v hrobě!

In the mood for Birds

In the mood for street art

Banksy v pásmu Gazy.

In the mood for street art

In the mood for green thinking

What lies under?

Just because you can't see it, doesn't mean it isn´t there.

In the mood for green thinking

In the mood for whistling

In the Hall of the Mountain King

Video z filmu "M" od Fritze Langa

In the mood for waves

Dnešní objev v kategorii fotograf... Clark Little.

Téma je prosté. Vlny. A výsledek? Velkolepý!

In the mood for waves

In the mood for Venice

Kdo se promenádoval v Benátkách s mašlí za krkem?

Gwyneth Paltrow.

In the mood for Venice

In the moof for penguins

Chinstrap Penguins on an iceberg in Antarctica

In the moof for penguins

In the mood for Bali dance

Tak článek o balijském tanci dokončen!

Foto: Petra Hlavičková

In the mood for Bali dance

In the mood for Cuba

Bride, Havana, Cuba

Photograph by Dmitri Markine

In the mood for Cuba