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Reseñas (10,848)


Animal Factory (2000) 

inglés Steve Buscemi takes a stab at directing now and then, and he's not very good at it. Yet in this film, he surprises us. This is definitely a gritty film. Buscemi also chose his actors well, with Dafoe and Furlong fitting into the storyline, even if Furlong is too much of a pretty boy at the beginning. In the end, though, he handled his role just fine.


American Splendor (2003) 

inglés Paul Giamatti is such a good actor that you will watch every character he plays because he plays them well. It's also great that Harvey Pekar is part of the film, which only reinforces the interesting cult of personality that has developed around him thanks to the comics. This is what a biopic should be and it is very good.


All Saints (2017) 

inglés All Saints is a terribly religious film and it really shows that a lot. However, when you realize that the film isn't primarily about Christianity, but about people being able to help each other and care about each other, it's almost nice to see that there is hope out there, even if it comes in small doses and only applies to someone who is lucky enough to have good people around them.


Ali y Nino (2016) 

inglés To be honest, I thought this would just be romantic crap, but it turned out to be quite powerful with its historical background and it's not really sweet and sickly - except for the ending, which is overly heartbreaking, but that is due to the fact that it's filmed in slow motion. In this film, however, the main couple simply works.


A Very Sordid Wedding (2017) 

inglés This is such a weird film that at times I had no choice but to like it. I can't say that applies all the way through, because it wasn't great towards the end and the moralizing didn't really work, but it's still quite nice and crazy how the entire theme was conceived. It's not that I laughed particularly hard, but rather that the film really is quite crazy.


A Question of Faith (2017) 

inglés Not even the fact that I saw Reneé O'Connor here (with me checking to see if she’s still acting every once in a while) can make me rate this film any higher, because it’s nothing but Christian crap that I simply hate. The Bible saves everything and the true faith is the only faith. That always makes me sick.


Una princesa En Navidad (2011) (telepelícula) 

inglés Classic Christmas romance, where Roger Moore plays a mean, or rather quite unpleasant, grandfather, but gradually finds his way to his family, not to mention the beautiful romance and plenty of awkward humor, which the main heroine simply doesn't understand and is terrible at. She really spoiled the whole impression for me.


6 Below: Miracle on the Mountain (2017) 

inglés The fact that a young man could get lost in the mountains is probably quite bearable, but what is less bearable are the constant flashbacks to the past, when the protagonist compares himself with what he has lived through. Yet his fight for survival already works and you almost get the feeling that Josh is trying to get this entire thing to end well. In the end, he's more or less successful.


One Buck (2017) 

inglés At first is seems like a pretty good, slightly modern thriller, where the slow pace of the narrative is important. However, when you realize that there isn't really a single character worth watching or whose fate is worth following, you realize that this isn't as great as it seems, and that it's pretty empty and not all that suspenseful in places.


Hellweek (2010) 

inglés Hellweek seems too long at first glance, and that’s also the case at second glance. Unfortunately, this is compounded by other ailments such as the fact that it has nothing to offer in terms of plot, and that it has characters that take a long time to get to know - without there in fact being anything to get to know - and finally, it has villains in the form of killers who are very easy to forget because they just blend in with the other redneck crazies.