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Películas favoritas (10)


Heat (1995)

Two charismatic men, nighttime neon LA, masterful direction, perfect style, unrivaled action, and unique directorial maturity. We all have our favorites and this is mine. Perfection in every detail.

American Gangster

American Gangster (2007)

It’s probably true, Ridley Scott, is getting better the older he gets. He’s directing even stronger stories than in the past, but just as visually brilliant, and the actors in them play fantastically – better than ever before. One would expect that at his age he would only enjoy making movies and shoot easygoing films like A Good Year, but that's not the case. Scott is fiercely pursuing success, he’s still as enthusiastic about filmmaking as before, and thanks to this spirit, he was able to make a thrilling and intense film like American Gangster. Fantastic in terms of acting (Denzel Washington is magnificent), visually brilliant (cinematography, editing) and in terms of the production design and complex depiction of the 1970s in the American metropolis, it is hard to beat. It’s not a better film than Goodfellas (slower pace), but in the current times of garbage in the sewage, it is a clean, winding and proud bandage on the cinematography of commercial Hollywood. After the second and third screening, one of the best gangster movies ever. Better, more compact and with a bigger heart than Goodfellas. Josh Brolin is awesome and so is Washington.


Rush (2013)

An incredibly nuanced, dense, visceral and indescribably inspiring film.


Braveheart (1995)

One of my favorite films ever. An amazing Mel Gibson (both behind and in front of the camera), the best battles, authentic medieval atmosphere, perfect music and the wonderful Catherine McCormack.


Titanic (1997)

Watching Titanic again after so many years, in a remastered 4K and 3D version is a truly sensual experience. All the more so when you watch this 25-year-old opus and realise that a better film will be hard to find in cinemas this year. Titanic resonates even more intensely when its screening is preceded by trailers for Quantumania, parallel universes, digital fests of all kinds, in short, recyclates that either make your head explode or your eardrums pop. But as soon as the old familiar melody plays after 20 minutes of trailer hell and the black and white "old" intro with the silhouette of the ship comes on, I am in my element. In 20 seconds, James Cameron produces more emotion in two cuts than all those future supercomics combined. Titanic is a celebration and homage to modern filmmaking, a benchmark of cinema. It stuns with its breathtaking fragility, old-world wisdom, palette of iconic scenes and colossal epic. The pinnacle of world cinema and deservedly one of the best pieces of all time. One of the few that has avoided ageing.

El reino de los cielos

El reino de los cielos (2005)

Another historical film that needs to be seen at least twice in order to understand the plot and expressive depth that it possesses (similar to Alexander). Not every viewer will be able to reconcile with the fact that Kingdom of Heaven is not a typical historical film with everything that comes with it, but that it expresses something more through historical events, battles, love, and characters, than just what happens on the screen. This is even more pronounced than in Alexander. Kingdom of Heaven is an ode to world peace and finding the meaning of life. It is narrated, acted, and directed in a captivating way (the director's cut). Ridley Scott grabbed the reins and made a smart film that not everyone will see through.

Batman Begins

Batman Begins (2005)

This is not just any comic book adaptation, but a philosophically perfect hit with an overlay of ideas that surpasses anything we've seen in the genre so far. An intellectually visionary, formally balanced and overall captivating film about how a person can find themselves.

Blade Runner

Blade Runner (1982)

Ridley Scott shows us his dark, futuristic world without any good guys, without any light or sun. He shows a dark, harsh, and relentless future in an captivating audiovisual performance, with the help of fantastic actors, ethereal and hypnotic music by Vangelis, and an outstanding script where something “more” is felt in every word.

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