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Juego de tronos - La montaña y la Víbora (2014) (episodio) 

inglés Another episode that is more dynamic, less chatty and with significant shifts especially at the Eyrie, where Sansa stops being a little girl and finally begins to understand the game. The tactical interlude with Greyjoy, the dramatic decision of Daenaris and the breathtaking duel between Oberyn and The Mountain, which reminded me of Hector vs Achilles, here spiced up with celebrities in the audience watching the action and Tyrion, whose life depended on which side would win. I found myself cheering for Oberyn like I haven't cheered for anyone in a long time.


Juego de tronos - Sinsonte (2014) (episodio) 

inglés A long-winded episode featuring a lot of tactics and a lot of talking. Arya and the Hound are constantly bantering, but nothing much happens. Daenaris consolidates power over the other continent and the North prepares for a great battle. An interesting finale at the Eyrie, which Littlefinger took into his own hands.


Juego de tronos - Leyes de dioses y hombres (2014) (episodio) 

inglés Another one of the best episodes. Bravos is interesting, the trial is riveting, Prince Oberyn is a bit of a mystery and a very interesting character you want to keep seeing, and Daenerys is a queen fulfilling her duties as ruler. In other words, a lot of the south and little of the boring north, just as we like it. Tyrion was phenomenal.


Juego de tronos - El primero de su nombre (2014) (episodio) 

inglés An uninteresting, almost boring episode. We have a new king, Littlefinger is firing on all burners and the ambush at the end wasn’t great – the darkness and the editing made the action very confusing.


Juego de tronos - Guardajuramentos (2014) (episodio) 

inglés An episode where nothing important happens in the first 40 minutes and only the ending is quite alright. A touching scene with Brienne, Jon Snow finally waking up, and a mysterious ending accompanied by the magically captivating visuals of the ice palace.


Juego de tronos - Rompedora de cadenas (2014) (episodio) 

inglés The third episode is a little longer than usual, but balanced in terms of pacing, sticking to the strong theme of the previous episode and, as expected, continuing to develop the paranoia surrounding the murder of the king. Daenerys puts on a one woman show again towards the end, conquering another monstrous city in a subtle and confident manner.


Juego de tronos - El león y la rosa (2014) (episodio) 

inglés The fourth season heats up quite fast. The second episode delivers another key twist, again during a wedding. Moreover, it seems there’s an even more generous budget, as we get some of the first panoramic shots of the entire Kings Landing, which has been an exceptional rarity in the relatively intimate spirit of the show so far, so let's hope for even better times. It will be very interesting to see what happens next in the capital, and so far this season has featured almost no "Mother of Dragons" and Northerners.


Juego de tronos - Dos espadas (2014) (episodio) 

inglés The fourth season has a very lukewarm start. It briefly introduces all the main characters with a slight distance in time. The only action sequence is the one with the Hound and Arya at the end (brilliantly shot), and it begins exactly where the previous season left off. Everything about Stannis and Greyjoy has been completely missing so far – perhaps slightly surprisingly – on the other hand more opportunities are being given to the Lannisters, who don't disappoint. And it should also be noted that there may be an interesting character transformation in Jamie, whom the unique Brienne may have opened his eyes to after all.


Juego de tronos - Season 3 (2013) (temporada) 

inglés The third season plays out the spectacular stories of the main characters, which will very likely intersect a few seasons down the road. It is extensive in plot and takes individual nations, kings (and their relations) and territories very broadly. It has certain advantages and disadvantages. It is certainly the most ambitious season to date in terms of the scope of locations and the number of characters, but unfortunately some of the middle episodes can't escape the impression of constant jumping between 20 stories that always move just a millimetre forward in 50 minutes, sometimes really literally because of the 2-3 minutes when this or that is on screen, and as a result it feels quite static and disjointed at times. Towards the end, of course, the story picks up momentum, culminating in the famous scene in the ninth episode, which is probably the most shocking so far since the death of Ned Stark. There is an interesting resurgence across the sea, where Daenerys quite sophisticatedly conquers every town she comes to, whether through her dragons or her charisma. If the next series delivers everything that s being dished out on the table, it will be a pummeling.