Los más vistos géneros / tipos / orígenes

  • Drama
  • Comedia
  • Acción
  • Crimen
  • Terror

Diario (258)

butthole surfers - Bar-B-Q Pope

volume 0

volume 0

inside me

wipers - this time

cows - live

into the black





no emotion

no emotion

king missile - take me home

unsane - blame me

Les Rallizes Dénudés - The Night Collectors

my hero

my hero

new therapy

                      “There are days when solitude is heady wine that intoxicates you, others when it is a bitter tonic, and still others when it is a poison that makes you beat your head against the wall” — Collete

new therapy



nine circles of hell

day and night, jekyll and hyde

day and night, jekyll and hyde
