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  • Acción
  • Terror
  • Drama
  • Comedia
  • Suspense

Últimas reseñas (2,286)


Bijillante (2023) (serie) 

inglés Another Korean action romp that grabs you right from the beginning and doesn't let up until the end. The protagonist is a young cadet at the police academy, he is a model student, but he stops liking that the law doesn't apply to everyone, most criminals don't get a proper punishment and after a while they run free to do more evil and the law is short on those influential people. He decides on weekends to take the law into his own hands and punish those who are above it. It may be a classic avenger theme, but the Koreans can make even such a simple theme complicated and excellent. Soon a fanboy shows up on the scene and starts imitating the vigilante, and a new captain arrives in town to hunt down the avenger. Ji-tae Yoo from Oldboy plays an incredible beast here and a psychopathic asshole that dishes out punches that make everyone fly two meters, he really made me feel scared, respectful, I really bought into that psychopathic look. The series has a great pace, it has great action scenes (perfectly choreographed fights, the main young hero can swing nicely and delivers some nice punishment), there are a lot of fist fights and it wouldn't be Korea without knives. You end up liking all the characters, a bunch of different criminals come together, and it has a pleasantly intense pace. The finale is a downright epic action scene with a fight where all the characters of the series come together. The series is more fans for martial arts and South Korea. PS: The episodes are only 40 minutes long. 8/10.


The Spider (2024) 

inglés This new horror short is a big hit on YouTube right now, featuring a horror version of Spider-Man, and it's good! The main character is Peter, who gets bitten by a spider, only this time he doesn't put on a costume, because he starts turning into an ugly shape. A good short with Cronenberg-style of body horror and excellent make-up effects. The final image is really amazing! Good premise. 7/10.


Them - The Scare (2024) (temporada) 

inglés The first season is excellent, a nice mix of horror and social drama with a touch of Jordan Peele. The second season is completely different and may disappoint a lot of people. It’s much more crime drama with elements of the supernatural, and there is much less horror than expected, but when I step back from that I still found it very fitting. It's reminiscent of the best serial killer hunting crime dramas with a nice 90's vibe, a gritty Los Angeles setting full of gangs, nasty murders, honorable mentions to Bundy, the Night Stalker, Son of Sam and more, an attractive main character to root for. The short episodes also make it nicely paced and I really enjoyed all the detective work. I enjoyed a lot the line of the eternally rejected actor who found a liking for serial killers and inhabited the role perfectly, to the point of being totally absorbed. The horror ending was directed by Ti West himself and it's satisfying. 7/10.

las evaluaciones últimas (6,122)

El reino del planeta de los simios (2024)


El engaño (2018)


Ted (2024) (serie)


Ted - He's Gotta Have It (2024) (episodio) (E07)


Ted - Loud Night (2024) (episodio) (E06)


Ted - Desperately Seeking Susan (2024) (episodio) (E05)


Ted - Subways, Bicycles and Automobiles (2024) (episodio) (E04)


Ted - Ejectile Dysfunction (2024) (episodio) (E03)


Ted - My Two Dads (2024) (episodio) (E02)



Última publicación en el diario (34)

Breaking BAD/SAD News.

Rok 2024 teda nezačal nejlépe. Je tu konec jedné velké Éry. Z ničeho nic začal nečekaný boj mezi mnou a Goliášem a Goliáš vyhrál. To vyústilo k faktu, že se Facebook rozhodl odebrat naší milovanou hororovou stránku Horror N3rds, na které jsem pracoval s Rollmanem 10 let, dosáhla 11 tisíc fanoušků, byly tam roky dřiny i fanouškovského zápalu a troufám si říct, že patřila k nejlepším hororovým stránkám na celém Facebooku v ČR/SK ( Ikdyž jsem svým hodnocením občas některé štval :D   ), ale tomu je teď bohužel konec. Stál jsem si za názorem, že za to nikdy nechci žádné finanční ohodnocení ani placené reklamy, dělal jsem to pro sebe a pro lidi zdarma ve svém volném čase, ale ani to nestačí facebooku na slitování. Někdo z Lionsgate nás nahlásil za porušení autorských práv ( podotýkám, že šlo o trailer k filmu Boy Kills the World, který jsem nahrával tak půl roku zpět!! ( po menším investigativním pátrání jsem zjistil, že 3 dny zpátky k tomu filmu Lionsgate zakoupil práva a ten stejný den odebrali stránku. Náhoda? Osud?Karma? a facebook teda nekompromisně bez žádného slitování zakročil smrtící ranou. Jsem v šoku.  Zůstala už jen skupina Hororová komunita by EvilPhoEniX.