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Los mercen4rios (2023) 

inglés The fourth and hopefully final Expendables plummeted from an above-average, fun and star-studded action franchise into waters of mediocrity that stink in every direction. It needed a better director. Scott Waugh wasn't the best choice and the disinterest of this franchise can be seen both in the audience (the weakest rating) and in the actors, where all the interesting names are gone except Statham, who’s the only one who's great again, but that's really not enough. Stallone is here rather only in the introduction, almost nobody impresses from the new reinforcements. 50 Cent and Jacob Scipio are useless, Megan Fox I didn't mind, at least a bit of estrogen, Tony Jaa was fine, but was there for less than 10 minutes (even though what he showed was one of the bright moments), and the villain Iko Uwais is ironically the weakest of the whole series (outside of The Raid, Iko is not doing so well and the Americans can't really use his potential, it's time for him to go back to Indonesia). The plot is rubbish, the dialogue is mediocre, the CGI effects are very bad, at least there is some nice gore from time to time and the blood is not spared too much, which I always welcome. The final Uwais-Statham fight was very short. I did like the sequence in the finale where Statham and Tony slashed with their knives, I probably enjoyed that the most. Otherwise, I wasn't bored, it went by fairly quickly, but compared to the competition this series has nothing to offer in terms of acting or action. 5/10.


Totally Killer (2023) 

inglés A likeable comedy horror slasher with a fun time travel concept. A 16-year-old killer returns to the scene after 35 years to kill the 17-year-old protagonist, only to accidentally return to 1987, where the original murders were supposed to have taken place, during a mutual fight. It's a rather feel good genre film that relies on a nice retro feel, likeable characters, plenty of pop culture references to older horror films. It's also nice to see the differences between today and the 80's, and there’s the occasional good joke – though the comedic side could have been more nutritious. The horror side of the film is pretty bland though, the murders are few and not very brutal, so if I were to rate the film as pure horror-slasher it would only get 2 stars, but luckily the rest of it works, including the puzzle on the killer, so it can gain some sympathy. All in all, I had fun. 5.5/10.


Golpe a Wall Street (2023) 

inglés Another gripping and suspenseful true story based on real events that grabs you by the balls and doesn't let go. I'd easily classify it as the little sibling of this year's Air and Tetris, it's a David and Goliath battle where a group of amateur investors bet on Gamestop not to go bankrupt and in doing so, tear up Wall Street, shake up the world and make history thanks to one man who started it all. The likeable Paul Dano gives a great performance and Seth Rogen, who plays the arrogant money man, is a delight. Even for someone not familiar with the stock market and shares, the film is presented in a simple way, so that even an ignorant viewer can find their way around. Pete Davidson takes care of the humor and the overall tone of the film is very feel good. Once things get going, there's a nice stressful build-up where things really start to get tense and the emotions work, and it goes on like this until the finale, which includes my favourite lawsuit. Dumb Money serves up its story with tremendous style and fun that just about anyone can enjoy. 8/10.


La conferencia (2023) 

inglés Solid Swedish flick! Surprise came where you least expected it. I knew next to nothing about The Conference, so I went into the film ignorant, and I have to say that after all the boring and exhausted variations on the slasher genre, satisfaction finally came in almost every aspect. The story is about a team building do in the Swedish woods where things go wrong and an unwelcome guest is waiting. I appreciate the fact that we don't have a bunch of teenagers here, but normal adults, which is relatively rare in the genre, and it made the whole thing feel like it could easily happen. There's a ton of characters to slaughter (I don't even remember seeing such a bodycount in a slasher!). I really liked that with so many people, each murder is original, creative and fun (again, hats off). The killer isn't immortal and he gets beat up pretty bad too, which is great. I liked that he uses the setting to his advantage and you can't deny his ingenuity. He uses just about every conceivable murder weapon imaginable, which again I applaud. The murders are both bloody and decently brutal (some could have been more, but with so many you can forgive a lot). The hot-tub with the lawnmower probably leads the way for me, and the head stitching was decently nasty too. The occasional dark humour works here too, the dialogue between the characters isn't bad and the excellent craftsmanship is to be commended. Great music that adds to the tension, great cinematography and a lot of fun The editing gives it all a nice touch. I don't know why, but while watching it I was a little reminded of my favorite Cold Prey, also by the Scandinavians, and the style of the killer and the execution of the murders seemed very similar. I don't really have any major complaints, I had a great time (If it had more gore I'd go for a full rating on without a second thought). A place in the Top 10 will definitely not pass The Conference by this year. 8/10.


Vive dentro (2023) 

inglés This new demonic horror film had potential thanks to the unconventional Indian Lore, but it holds back too much and is unfortunately boring. It's a good thing the film was released a month before it's due to arrive in our cinemas, because I'd probably regret the money and the trailer looked rather creepy. You can say that it is a demonic teen standard that doesn't offend or impress, but since there is no gore, for me it is a useless variation of something we’ve seen a hundred times without any innovative addition and with minimal audience engagement. The story is classic, it picks up at a slower pace, but what could be praised a bit is the likeable and lovable protagonist, the addition of Indian culture and traditions, and the nice look of the demon, which they show only at the end though, and I didn't really buy the fight. If it had been R-rated, I believe it could have been more interesting (the few deaths could have had potential), but with the PG-13 rating it all comes off kind of pointless. Disappointing for me, there are worse things, but I could have done without it. 4/10.


Dark Harvest (2023) 

inglés David Slade, the director of one of the best vampire movies 30 Days of Night, is back after a long hiatus and delivers a Halloween monster slasher that has its bright moments but the potential was higher. The story is about a legendary monster called Sawtooth Jack who crawls out of a cornfield on Halloween and terrorizes the townspeople. A hunt is organized to defeat him, with a promising reward. The premise isn't exactly the worst, but the script it's a bit of an uninspired mess, though anyone who doesn't expect a gripping story from a horror film can easily sit through this one. The child characters are mostly assholes, so there's little sympathy to be gained here either, but I liked the retro feel of the film, which could easily have fallen out of the 80s (if this film had been made forty years ago, it would have had a lot more red). The monster itself looks nice and is decently uncompromising to the characters. The gore is excellent, I was surprised by that (a jaw ripped open, half a head chopped off and a body split in half in the air by moonlight beautiful!). The film is very nutritious in this respect and if there had been some proper mass carnage and monster battle in the finale, I would have been willing to go for a higher rating, but that didn't happen. The atmosphere and tension are not dazzling by any means, but I wasn't bored. The gore and monster were good, for me a cool Halloween one-shot that is brutally underrated. 56% on IMDB matches the quality better. 5.5/10.


Gran Turismo (2023) 

inglés Blomkamp and a good video game adaptation! Blomkamp made his second best film after Disctrict 9 and not much was expected from Gran Turismo. The trailers were mediocre, we all know the curse of video game adaptations and thus the result itself is more than satisfactory. A fan of racing films will definitely be satisfied, if only because genre films like this don't come along very often. Story-wise, of course, it's nothing groundbreaking, but it's a likeable story that has heart, likeable characters, emotion, suspense and a proper adrenaline rush. The main character is a great video game player who gets the chance to race in a real car against pro players, but he will have to go through tough training and it won't be for free. Archie Madekwe did his best in the See series, so here he has his first proper role and he does a decent job. The best thing about the whole film is David Harbour, who has one of the best roles of his career, tasked with preparing the players for the real "Fight", and he is a joy to watch. The races themselves are good as well. They are thrilling, have great cinematography, when it comes to crashes it is spectacular and nasty, the rivalry between the other players works and the final Le Mans race is a really adrenaline-pumping and thrilling ride. I found myself tearing up a few times during the film, which I hadn't counted on at all here. I enjoyed it immensely, I would definitely put the film in the stellar racing trio, Le Mans, Rush, Gran Turismo. I will definitely watch the film again. 8.5/10.


Ballerina (2023) 

inglés Another Korean Revenge actioner with a female protagonist has arrived on Netflix, but the result is less than satisfying. Lee Chung-hyun shocked us three years ago with the brilliantly intertwined thriller The Call, so I believed him, but is better in mystery thrillers than action movies, as he doesn’t deliver much action. The plot is quite simple, unusually for Korea (this is typical of US productions): an ex bodyguard is going to get revenge for her best friend who had a last wish. Since the plot is less than two sentences long, it's a wonder the action takes up less than 15 minutes of the running time. It's admittedly shot well, it's brutal, with great cinematography and decent choreography, it's easy to watch and manages to raise the adrenaline which is important – though it was more about the shootouts than the fights. The heroine is a total badass and technically the film is traditionally good – they stick to the classic Korean proprieties – but it’s quite boring. It definitely needed a more interesting plot when there’s so little action. 5.5/10.


Deliver Us (2023) 

inglés A surprisingly decent religious horror film for me. It focuses on a pregnant nun who is expecting twins, all indications point to a prophecy that she is expecting the Messiah and the Antichrist. The church doesn't like that and plans to kill the children, but she manages to escape with two priests. I have to say, the first quarter is solid. There's machete decapitations and flayings as early as the second minute (I wish every movie started like that!!), the subsequent escape is also executed in a suspenseful way, and I enjoyed all the nightmares and visions which are decently creepy. But the film starts to stagnate by the middle and there's a lot of shifting in place. Thankfully it picks up slightly towards the end (the wolves eating are shot in a very raw and uncomfortable way and the disposal of the cops offers some nice gore). There was also some sex and I liked the music. The craftsmanship is also fine, I found the plot interesting and I wasn't bored, so for me a fine one-shot that could have been more stripped down, but certainly didn't annoy me. The atmosphere could have been handled better, but at least the unexpected brutality was pleasing.


Beaten to Death (2022) 

inglés Decent Australian revenge caper. After a very long time we have an Ozploitation flick for a very marginal audience and it fulfils its purpose. The story is almost non-existent, the script contained must have been one A4 page, so if you are one of those for whom the script is the mainstay of a film, avoid this one. Here we have a protagonist who literally suffers through the entire film, being beaten and tortured almost to death, experiencing an unbelievable martyrdom, fighting against men, against nature and against his own sanity, gradually descending into madness. It's low budget, but it feels quite realistic, it can be very unpleasant in some scenes (the eye gouging is a real treat), it's very raw, minimalistic and uncompromising – the very final shot is shocking! At times it's a bit boring though, as it's a bit of a chase through the Australian countryside, where bad things happen, but it's not delivered in a completely engaging way, which takes points away, but those who like similarly themed films should give it a chance. 6/10.