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Reseñas (2,762)


Tigre y dragón 2: La espada del destino (2016) 

inglés I wasn't impressed with the first part either, so I'm taking a similar approach to the second. The great thing is that the running time is half an hour shorter, which means less love story, romance, and flying, so everything I hate is rapidly diminished, and there is more action, which is not very impressive and ball-busting, but the choreography is varied with interesting locations and Donnie Yen is simply Donnie Yen, he never disappoints and all his fights are the highlights of the film. If Wu-xia disappeared completely I'd go higher. A fun three stars.65%


Juegos salvajes (1998) 

inglés A pleasant surprise I only found out about today. The film surprises mainly by its solid subtlety and frequent shocking twists, which are not easy to guess. All this in the presence of a solid cast (Kevin Bacon, Matt Dillon), but the two central seductive beauties are also intriguing. The pacing is good, too. Very good. 80%.


Daeho (2015) 

inglés This was my dark horse when it comes to blockbusters from Korea, but I can't avoid a slight disappointment. First of all, it's worth writing that this is more a historical drama as well, and it's the story that I consider to be the film's weaker points. On the plus side, the visuals are solid, the snowy landscapes are nice, and the tiger looks very decent, although once it springs into action it is unrealistically fast and big, but that's a detail. There are about two or three major action scenes that have decent punch and are even properly brutal, with the tiger tearing soldiers apart, throwing them against trees – no one stands a chance against it. Lord of the mountain, as it should be. The casting of Min-sik Choi and Man-sik Jeong is also a plus, but it’s the tiger that could the main character, it is only defending its family and territory and you even for it. The scene with the wolves was also interesting, but it wouldn't have hurt to increase the pace and shorten the running time. 65%.


Dragon - Wuxia (2011) 

inglés I had big prejudices about the film (I don't like Wu xia and the long running time and the historical subtext don't make a very appealing impression on me), but hats off, it's a real blast. The film features only four fights, but they are long, with perfect choreography, great camera work, breathtaking visuals and amazing details. I watched with an open mouth seeing how stylishly Peter Chan plays with the camera, giving you a truly spectacular and extraordinary experience thanks also to the brilliant Donnie Yen. Takeshi Kaneshiro was also great in the role of the smart detective, he takes your breath away with his cleverness and subtlety. The dialogue, plot progression and twists are unusually solid for an action film. I enjoyed it 90%.


Novio por una noche (2007) 

inglés Solid stuff. Dane Cook is a cool and likable guy, the whole film has a good female cast and there is no shortage of excitement. The clumsy Jessica Alba, who drops and bumps into everything, is also a delight. Crazy and wacky and I had a great time. 75%.


La batalla por Sebastopol (2015) 

inglés The Russians and the war genre simply go together and work. A film about an elite female sniper who takes out 309 Nazis during WWII and you just and count the dead along with the main character. The action is perfect, the sniper scenes are thrilling, there is no shortage of proper brutality and solid visuals. I liked it, even if the scenes outside the battlefield were not as engaging. The highlight of the film is definitely the air raid on the Russian fleet. 70%


Los tres reyes malos (2015) 

inglés Seth Rogen has done better stuff, but together with Falcon and Don Jon they make a likeable trio that will entertain you and put a smile on your face. The driving force is clearly Rogen, who creates some of the best situational humour in Hollywood, the scene in the church carries about as much weight in comedies as Kingsman's church scene does in the action genre. Michael Shannon as a stoned drug dealer was also very surprising. If you this trio, plus all the New York drugs used in one night, you will be satisfied. 80%


Frankenstein (2015) 

inglés Bernard Rose, known for Candyman from the 90s, returns to the scene after a long hiatus and he certainly doesn't disgrace himself, his modern take on Frankenstein is surprisingly good. The film is decently made, intensely brutal in places, emotional, empathetic and although it moves at a slower pace, I was in constant suspense as the 20 year old with the decaying skin and mindset of a one year old wanders the world. Story 6/10, Atmosphere 6/10, Gore 7/10, Visuals 6/10, Action 4/10, Suspense 5/10,Humor 0/10. Entertainment 6/10. 65%.