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Reprezentatívne čs. filmy

Tento textík som poslal dvom Nemcom, ktorí študujú Holocaust. Momentálne boli na stáži v Národním Archívu v Prahe a mali záujem o nejaké čs. filmy reflektujúce toto obdobie.

Ak máte záujem niekomu ukázať československú kinematografiu, neváhajte sa inšpirovať!

1. Obchod na korze / The Shop on Main Street, 1965 - won an Academy Award
Slovak movie about "arisation" of Jewish shop
really tough movie, I've seen it once and despite liking it I don't want to see it anymore

2. Ostře sledované vlaky / Closely Watched Trains, 1966 - also won Oscar
Poetical movie about train station during Protectorat era. Václav Neckář in the main role, the Czechoslovak popmusic star

3. Spalovač mrtvol / The Cramator, 1969
Crazy psycho movie about a guy working as a funeral worker and decited to do strange things with his jewish family.

4. Démanty noci / Diamonds of the Night, 1964
Totally alternative movie about two boys running away. People are speaking German there.

5. Námestie svätej Alžbety / The Square of Saint Elisabeth, 1965
Another one Slovak movie about love between Jewish girl and Christian boy. I haven't seen this one, but I have read the book (it's "mandatory book" in Slovak high schools) and it was really sad. In this film is starring Emília Vášáryová, one of the BEST Czechoslovak Schauspielerin EVER. I've met her few weeks ago and she's still beautiful.
UNFORTUNATELY I don't think there are English subtitles (maybe that is challenge for me to make them!)


6. Daleká Cesta / Distant Journey, 1947 (alternative name is Hitler's Inferno)
The first film reflecting Holocaust and Theresienstadt

7. Adelheid, 1969
Movie about revenge on German people living in North Moravia after WW2

8. Transport z ráje / Transport from Paradise, 1962
Movie about Theresienstadt ghetto made in funny-sad way. (Theresienstadt is meant as Paradise and Transport is going to Auschwitz)

9. Vyšší princip / Higher Principle, 1960
Movie about the good and the easy during Protectorat era
subtistles: http://subsmax.com/subtitles-movie/vyssi-princip

10. Romeo, Julie a tma / Romeo, Juliet and Darkness, 1959
Student from Prague hides Jewish refugee girl in his closet.

11. Musíme si pomáhat / Wir müssen zusammenhalten, 2000
Great movie and always the same topic - Protectorat, collaboration, Jews, hiding...

12. Atentát / The Assassination, 1964
About the assassination of Reinhard Heydrich
subtitles: http://www.opensubtitles.org/en/subtitles/4066988/atentat-en

13. Smrt si říká Engelchen / Death is Called Engelchen, 1964
About partisan movement in Moravia. Based on the book of my favorite writer Ladislav Mňačko (check it out)

14. Organ / The Organ, 1965
Reconstruction of happenings during Slovak state

15. Bílá nemoc / The White Sickness / Skeleton on Horseback, 1937 - based on Karel Čapek's book
Actually this movie is not reflecting the period of WW2, but it was predicting it and warning about the bad times coming.
subtitles: https://dailysubs.net/subtitles/en/Skeleton-on-Horseback/28632/4396853

...and many more

some movies not-reflecting this era, but are very notable

16. Slnko v sieti / Sun in a Net, 1962 - my favorite movie
Poetical movie about life, love, youth, modern era
movie can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lcc9Z9-RXwk

17. Sedmikrásky / Daisies, 1966
Crazy movie about girls and women from feministic way of look

18. Černý Petr / Black Peter / Peter and Pavla, 1963
The first (and I think the best) movie directed by famous Miloš Forman. It is psychological look into a life of young confused Peter who doesn't know what to do with his life.

19. Vražda Ing. Čerta / Killing the Devil, 1970
Unknown movie even in Czechoslovakia, but really colourful and built in with a great soundtrack.
subtitles: http://www.opensubtitles.org/en/subtitles/5580399/vrazda-ing-certa-en

20. Pelíšky / Cosy Dens, 1999
The best Czech movie. The most of Czechoslovaks are watching it every year over and over again and still laughing and crying about the same thing. It is broadcasted several times per year and the mostly watched broadcasting is at the Christmas Eve. It is about beautiful times in 1960s before invasion of Warsaw Pact armies.