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El ladrón de palabras (2012) 

inglés If nothing else, this film was constructed in an interesting way. It reminded me of a Matryoshka doll (or Russian nesting doll, as some might know it). It had this story within a story within a story format. While I could see through the attempt to add depth, I have to disagree with those who found it boring. Personally, I found these actionless ninety minutes enjoyable because they stirred up unexpected thoughts and emotions in me.


Los informáticos - Dos opciones (2006) (episodio) 

inglés This episode took a different turn from the previous ones. Witnessing a geek delve into a social experiment was... quite unusual, to say the least. I thoroughly enjoyed both basic setups, and Katherine Parkinson's performance was a delight. Her delicate laughter is bound to haunt me at night for quite some time. / Lesson learned: Women want bastards because of their fathers. Not my words, Freud's.


Mad Men - Finiquito (2015) (episodio) 

inglés This episode left me a bit perplexed. I was wondering if my brain did a somersault because this felt like the start of a new season (and not just because of those weird mustaches). Don't get me wrong, it wasn't bad or unfunny, it just didn't captivate me as much this time. / Lesson learned: You can profit even from an initially unfortunate turn of events.


Los informáticos - Desgraciada Jen (2006) (episodio) 

inglés An obvious five stars. How did they manage to pack so many quality moments into less than thirty minutes? It had everything: shoes, anti-stress training, fire, a showdown between a woman and Godzilla, serious injuries, and empathetic Denholm Reynholm, who would undoubtedly have a successful career in any line of work where torture is used. All of that made in Britain. / Lesson learned: If Cinderella's glass slipper doesn't fit, push harder!!!


Los informáticos - Mermelada de ayer (2006) (episodio) 

inglés So, it's been fifteen years already... the pilot episode of the series was definitely worth revisiting. It's rare for the creators of a comedy series to deliver such a strong dose of humor right from the first episode; every important character had their lines perfectly delivered, and even one of the supporting characters caused me to burst into laughter. / Lesson learned: Don't go to a fair unescorted. Safety first!


Mad Men - Waterloo (2014) (episodio) 

inglés The creators absolutely nailed it with the seventh episode, delivering a final product that's just flawless. Honestly, I can't think of a single thing to nitpick, not that I even tried. Once again, they've masterfully woven significant historical events into the story, giving us a real "taste" of the past. Who cares if those shots were filmed on the Moon or they came from Disney? I have to give a shoutout to how they handled saying goodbye to one of the longest-serving characters. It was done without being overly sentimental, yet still managed to deliver a grand finale. Bravo. / Lesson learned: Sometimes when life gets overwhelming, it's okay to take a break and chill.


Objetivo: La Casa Blanca (2013) 

inglés For all patriotic Americans who revel in melodrama, this film is a must-watch. Personally, it was a bit of a struggle for me because I couldn't stand all those speeches and looks full of national pride. The screenplay felt like a chaotic mess, with logic barely getting a look-in. If it weren't for the captivating CGI destruction of American icons and some well-executed action sequences, I would have been much less generous but I gritted my teeth and settled on two stars. / Lesson learned: Trash collectors are not what they seem.


Emily en París - Champán y otros problemas (2021) (episodio) 

inglés The eighth episode left me a bit disappointed after the two decent ones that came before it. The creators seemed to veer back into their soap opera style, and the humor just wasn't hitting the mark this time around. With Alfie practically absent, Sylvia was the only character I found likable. Philippine Leroy-Beaulieu seemed to be thoroughly enjoying her role! / Lesson learned: Champagne can have a bite sometimes, so watch out!


Mad Men - La estrategia (2014) (episodio) 

inglés Well, here's the thing: I'm definitely more of a fan of the episodes that delve into the agency's activities rather than the ones focused mainly on relationships. It's kind of strange, though, because if there's something I really can't stand, it's advertising — especially the kind that manages to bypass adblock. This episode was definitely a success in all aspects, so I rated it accordingly. / Lesson learned: Don't offer a blowjob to policemen. What if they accept it?


Lovelace (2013) 

inglés The film wasn't exactly great; many aspects could have been approached and executed differently and better. However, as a brief trip back to the 70s, when porn movies used to be scripted, it worked fairly well. I believe anyone who hasn't seen Linda Lovelace's only film has at least heard of it, and here the audience got a bit of context. Linda's life and this venture weren't a comedy, but when it comes to porn, for me, it's always a two-sided coin. One side is obvious — the purely practical. The other side is humor. Except for that repulsive kind of pornography meant to humiliate and harm the unfortunate woman led into it by a terrible agent (read: jerk), there's usually something that makes me chuckle. I can't deny how disappointed I was when Linda spoke out against my favorite industry after making a whopping $1,250 from it. Well, it takes all kinds, right? :-) / Lesson learned: If you're shooting a film with scenes involving limited access to air, go for the actress with bulging eyes.