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Tímidos anónimos (2010) 

inglés When an anxious factory owner falls and an equally anxious recluse fall in love, it makes for a really funny premise. And the French, being masters of romance, know that love often involves food, so there's plenty of chocolate tasting in this film. And who doesn't love chocolate? I found myself entertained by the eccentric characters, and despite the chocolate factory setting, the film didn't feel overly sweet. Instead, it was charmingly human with a subtle sense of humor that I appreciated. / Lesson learned: Feeling stressed? Wear a jabot.


Lucy (2014) 

inglés Revisiting Lucy after all these years, I found myself still enjoying it. Scarlett Johansson's presence on screen is never unwelcome. The story was simple yet engaging, with a good sense of pace and humor. Even though I have my own opinions on various scientific and pseudo-scientific concepts, when Morgan Freeman delivers them, I'm more than willing to suspend disbelief for a moment. The film was classic Besson: packed with action, Asian gangsters, and impressive special effects. The whole spectacle kept me entertained. What got me was how I could switch off my brain while watching a movie about maximizing brain capacity. / Lesson learned: If you have any say in it, never let anyone stitch anything inside your body. Not more than three cigarettes under the skin in case of a shipwreck.


Emily en París - Emily en París (2020) (episodio) 

inglés The pilot episode didn't exactly blow me away, nor did it leave me bursting with excitement. Nevertheless, there were more positives than negatives, and I quite enjoyed it, so why not give it a shot? Lily Collins struck me as stunning, dare I say gorgeous, and the humor really worked for me. It's just the whole social media and follower obsession doesn't quite resonate with me. I get jittery even with one person following me down the street; if there were more, I'd probably be a nervous wreck. / Lesson learned: When French arrogance meets American cluelessness, it's bound to be entertaining.


Mad Men - Un hombre con un plan (2013) (episodio) 

inglés I gave it a solid four stars because the episode was far from bad, but it just didn't quite hit that fifth-star mark for me. I've got to admit, these trips into Donovan's inner world are not doing it for me. I wish the creators focused more on the merger of the two companies. / Lesson learned: Be careful not to break your toy.


Mythic Quest: Raven's Banquet - Season 1 (2020) (temporada) 

inglés Alright, here's an extremely subjective, one-sided, and biased take on this show. As a player of various online and computer games, I'm pretty content. There were definitely a couple of weaker episodes; but the first season really hit the spot for me because it blended together all the things I love: gaming, comedy, drama, and a healthy dose of absurdity. Sure, I'm aware of the flaws in this stage of the series, but I made a conscious decision to overlook them and just enjoy the ride. I'm eagerly anticipating what comes next. / Lesson learned: If you've got a vision that's not political or religious, pursue it.


Mythic Quest: Raven's Banquet - Everlight (2021) (episodio) 

inglés Let me just say, at the close of the first season, we got a beautifully polished episode for us gamers (and all the nerds out there). I've been thoroughly enjoying the ride from the get-go, and to my surprise, the real star of this episode turned out to be Jo. She absolutely immersed herself in her character, and it was a joy to watch. It's definitely worth appreciating that kind of enthusiasm. / Lesson learned: No matter what, watch out for... "Fireball!!!!"


El vagón de la muerte (2008) 

inglés Clive Barker has always been one of my favorite horror authors, and the creators of this film managed to adapt one of his stories pretty well. Sure, they had to sprinkle in something extra to bring it to the screen, but overall, I was pretty pleased with the result. It could have gone much worse, believe me. Clive Barker's horror has never shied away from bloodshed (though he knows how to create horror in other ways), and the filmmakers respected that. Instead of action scenes in pitch-black darkness, they went for raw brutality, in which no eye was left in its socket, and the British Terminator was perfect for it. I can't help but wonder if the number of passengers on late-night New York subway trains dropped after the American premiere. / Lesson learned: If you're afraid, don't ride the subway.


Populaire (2012) 

inglés To give four stars to this overly romanticized French comedy filled with declarations of love in multiple languages, there really must be some compelling reasons. And I found them. Sure, it was occasionally so sweet that I caught myself clenching my teeth, and I'm not exactly the biggest fan of French movies, but credit where it's due — the filmmakers here deserve some credit. Yes, the story was simple and pretty predictable, but it's a romantic comedy, so that's par for the course. What really grabbed me was the humor — it was right up my alley. Rose's training sequences were reminiscent of Rocky gearing up to fight Ivan Drago, and the actual sports performances had me scrambling to find the nearest World Championship of this captivating sport on every sports channel I could find. I won't lie, amidst the clacking of keyboards and the scent of burning paper, I was on the edge of my seat. This wasn't just a run-of-the-mill romance; it was an engaging sports thriller that kept me thoroughly entertained. / Lesson learned: It's only when you achieve significant success in life that you realize how many friends you truly have.


Mad Men - Para comunicación inmediata (2013) (episodio) 

inglés Finally, a standout episode emerges. This time, the show moved beyond the usual focus on individual relationships and melancholic romance/drama. Significant issues were tackled head-on, directly impacting the main storyline with a fresh impact. It was a welcome change of pace. Plus, I've always been a fan of the Chevrolet Corvette C3. / Lesson learned: Some events are better left outside the family.


Mythic Quest: Raven's Banquet - Quarantine (2020) (episodio) 

inglés And they say that anti-pandemic measures were pointless. Every comedy series at the time had its working-from-home episode, and from what I caught, I enjoyed them all. Wasn't it worth the countless companies folding? The tenth episode was particularly entertaining, featuring all my favorite characters, including Sue and Carol. Also, Sylvanas Windrunner making an appearance in MQ was quite the unexpected surprise. / Lesson learned: Don't wait until flora and fauna start setting up camp on your skin — take that shower!