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Stranger Things - Capítulo tres: El caso de la socorrista desaparecida (2019) (episodio) 

inglés So, those phone calls actually happened! I mean, El used to pay dearly for her telepathic connections, but now it's like she's chatting on the phone for free. It's a weird shift. I get that it's all fiction, but the previous seasons felt more grounded, you know? I'm especially referring to the character of an ice cream-selling cryptanalyst.


Stranger Things - Capítulo dos: Ratas de centro comercial (2019) (episodio) 

inglés I'm still waiting for that same excitement I had with the earlier seasons to kick in. Right now, it feels more like a teen romantic comedy with a sprinkle of tension here and there. I'm half expecting the show to be about who should call first and how many days to wait before doing so.


Stranger Things - Capítulo uno: Suzie, ¿me recibes? (2019) (episodio) 

inglés The first episode had a leisurely pace, probably to ease viewers back after a year-long break and catch up on who's who, who's with whom, and where everyone is. But I can't help feeling disappointed by the tired old trope of blaming everything on the Russians (then Soviets) - it just feels a bit cliché.


El guerrero de Chinatown - Season 1 (2019) (temporada) 

inglés The first season wasn’t bad, it just seemed a bit unbalanced. For example, the fifth episode was just way off and had absolutely no impact on the rest of the plot, while other episodes weren’t far from perfect. I was a little sorry that the authors couldn’t avoid the clichés that go hand in hand with this theme, or the interracial romance which was completely unnecessary for the story. But the action scenes were top notch, the main storyline was really entertaining, and I'll definitely watch the next season.


El guerrero de Chinatown - Boxeo chino (2019) (episodio) 

inglés Movies and series with Eastern martial arts often fall into a predictable pattern: the underdog who takes the most beating in the beginning inevitably emerges as the winner. It's a cliché that's been done to death. I found the subplot about childhood memories a bit dull, and I couldn't quite figure out how the mayor got wind of the duel. Overall, it felt a bit lackluster to me. 3*-


El guerrero de Chinatown - Pensar no está incluido en la nómina (2019) (episodio) 

inglés The last episode left me a bit disappointed, especially after the cliffhanger from before. I was hoping for a more intense showdown, but the rest of the episode managed to smooth things over. There were plenty of political shenanigans, scheming, and manipulation, which I always enjoy. Ah Toy's presence partially made up for the lackluster fight in the beginning.


El guerrero de Chinatown - El tigre y el zorro (2019) (episodio) 

inglés Lee's story was undeniably touching and politically correct, but beyond that, the episode was a real treat. The momentum from the previous episode carried over seamlessly, with events unfolding rapidly. Ah Toy finally showed her claws, adding an extra layer of excitement. And that ending? It hit like a comedic punch to the head!


El guerrero de Chinatown - Apaleado, escupido y pisoteado (2019) (episodio) 

inglés Well, the episode completely veered away from the odd Special Western detour we had before, confirming my suspicion that it was indeed unnecessary. Thankfully, things felt back on track. The story had a solid pace, with the plot unfolding smoothly. I particularly enjoyed the scenes in Chinatown and the resolution of O'Hara's gambling debt.


El guerrero de Chinatown - La sangre y la mierda (2019) (episodio) 

inglés One star goes to the gripping action sequences, and another to the welcome return of Vince Masuku. Yet, beyond that, there wasn't much else to weigh in on. It felt like the creators only had material for nine episodes, so they hastily whipped up this tangent that barely ties into the main storyline. Frankly, I'm scratching my head over how it'll impact future plots. It was fun and action-packed, no doubt, but ultimately felt like filler.