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Muñeca rusa - Un cuerpo caliente (2019) (episodio) 

inglés I found myself surprisingly entertained. This episode felt unexpectedly complex, breaking away from the cycle of party-death-party-death... Especially with that ending, hinting at some real progression in the story.


Muñeca rusa - La gran evasión (2019) (episodio) 

inglés It seems I'm solely sticking around for Natasha Lyonne's presence in the show. I can't think of any other reason, especially when only about seven out of the twenty-eight minutes truly pique my interest. With such short episodes, I hoped for a more engaging plot. I wouldn't mind skipping a few uncreative deaths to make room for that.


Muñeca rusa - En este mundo nada es sencillo (2019) (episodio) 

inglés I'm not particularly impressed by the first episode. The first round held some promise, but then it kind of fizzled out, failing to grab my attention. Those two stars are solely for Natasha Lyonne because listening to her voice is pure bliss. And every time I see her, it makes me think of the wolf from Well, Just You Wait! You know, the way she dangles a cigarette from the corner of her mouth. That never gets old.


Orange Is the New Black - Season 5 (2017) (temporada) 

inglés I raved about the previous season, but I wasn’t very satisfied this time in spite of my relatively high rating. Some episodes weren't bad at all, some were even great. Despite being somehow benevolent regarding this series, I was annoyed by some weird logic goofs. There were so many of them in the last three episodes that I’m starting to think that the writers were using unconventional food supplements during the writing process. 4*-


Orange Is the New Black - Storm-y Weather (2017) (episodio) 

inglés The last episode managed to step it up a bit from the previous ones, though it didn't exactly blow me away. But, man, I had to really suspend my disbelief this time. People were just strolling out of that besieged prison like it was a casual Friday at the office. And even when the place wasn't under siege, things were still pretty bizarre. Ah well, it could've been worse, I guess.


Orange Is the New Black - Tattoo You (2017) (episodio) 

inglés So, I've come to terms with the fact that this series is living in its own reality, and I managed to find some enjoyment in it. But man, sometimes the script really came back to bite its own creator. By the way, if nobody else will do it, I might just have to personally take care of Baxter Bailey. He is just too much to bear.


Orange Is the New Black - Breaking the Fiberboard Ceiling (2017) (episodio) 

inglés So, the plot kind of lost its groove for me. I found myself zoning out during the whole Lorna and Suzanne saga, and it threw off the episode's rhythm. It's a shame because after the great previous episode.


Orange Is the New Black - The Reverse Midas Touch (2017) (episodio) 

inglés The tenth episode took the plot up a notch. It's hard to pick a favorite storyline, but if I had to, it'd be the hilarious one involving Caputo's negotiation with Fig. That had me in stitches!


Orange Is the New Black - The Tightening (2017) (episodio) 

inglés The ninth episode nailed it with a perfect blend of Piscatella's action-packed storyline and the high-stakes negotiations for the hostages' release and ending the rebellion. It kept me thoroughly engaged throughout. And Caputo? Well, he never fails to bring the laughs. Overall, very satisfying.


Orange Is the New Black - Tied to the Tracks (2017) (episodio) 

inglés Following the previous episode's dive into humanity, this one brought back the proper action and drama, and I loved it. The contrast felt refreshing. The storyline is unfolding in an intriguing and entertaining way. Here's hoping the creators nail the final third of the season. 4*+