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La ley de los audaces - Por los problemas (2016) (episodio) 

inglés Unfortunately, this episode left me disappointed. Mike acted like a complete idiot in prison, despite claiming to love The Shawshank Redemption — clearly, he didn't grasp the movie's message. The entire episode lacked energy and was way too focused on playing the emotional card, which just didn't work for me.


American Horror Story - Roanoke (2016) (temporada) 

inglés I can't remember ever giving the episodes of a single season the whole spectrum of ratings. Season 6 of American Horror Story is unique in this regard. I was pleased and excited by the first episode, followed by a slight disappointment. Then, from the sixth episode on, it all went completely south. In the second half, the creators tried to compensate for the lack of atmosphere and tension with ever more frequent gore, which was totally unimaginative, as if following the recipe: "If you don’t have atmosphere, add two buckets of blood, one bucket of entrails, and the viewer will surely be delighted." Watching this pathetic effort was the actual horror, and the season had five episodes too many for my taste. I'm giving it two stars out of pity.


American Horror Story - Chapter 10 (2016) (episodio) ¡Boo!

inglés The finale confirmed that my previous "Boo!" rating wasn't premature. I didn't even want to comment on the plot, but I can't help it. The "kidnapping" of Flora left me baffled. Were the creators implying that if a kidnapper hides with their victim, the police just pack up for a summer camp? All it was missing was a barbecue and a friendly game of football or baseball. An absolute disaster.


American Horror Story - Chapter 9 (2016) (episodio) ¡Boo!

inglés Apologies, but I just couldn't hold back this time. This was hands down the worst episode of American Horror Story I've ever seen. Ironically, it was a true horror in its sheer stupidity and felt endless. I found myself wishing they'd just kill each other off as quickly as possible, but no, the creators had to throw in fresh meat to drag out the agony. This episode definitely wins the award for the most nauseating shaky cam shots.


American Horror Story - Chapter 8 (2016) (episodio) 

inglés I struggled to find a reason to give this episode even a single star. It was even worse than the last. The story was replaced by a nearly nonstop stream of violent scenes that failed to make any impact. They were too uninspired and, as someone who's handled more guts than the creators can probably imagine, they didn't impress me. Also, a note to the creators: if you're repeatedly slicing meat off someone's thigh, there should be less meat there, right?


American Horror Story - Chapter 7 (2016) (episodio) 

inglés I gave this episode a star solely for Matty's death scene, which was the only moment that entertained me. Everything else was a mess. On top of the already shaky camera work, now every character has their own camera, so I imagine some viewers will need motion sickness pills to get through it. As for the story, there's no point in even trying to make sense of it. Logic was the first to die, completely off-screen.


American Horror Story - Chapter 6 (2016) (episodio) 

inglés I don't get it. The constant documentary inserts in the earlier episodes were already annoying, but now the entire sixth episode is shot in that style. The plot is glaringly illogical and downright stupid, and it’s starting to feel like a complete disaster.


American Horror Story - Chapter 5 (2016) (episodio) 

inglés I could have definitely done without certain things. I quietly hoped the creators would skip the seemingly mandatory homosexual romance, and once again, there were too many documentary inserts. On the plus side, I appreciated the nice nod to Annie Wilkes. Despite Kathy Bates being part of the cast, it was Mama Polk who channeled her character successfully.


American Horror Story - Chapter 4 (2016) (episodio) 

inglés Slightly better than the previous episode, largely thanks to the reduced documentary segments. I’d prefer if the witch drew her power solely from the Moon. It's not that I'm a puritan; I'd just appreciate it if the creators found other ways to scare me.


American Horror Story - Chapter 3 (2016) (episodio) 

inglés I'm a bit confused. I didn’t get why the creators deviated from their initial direction, especially when it seemed to diminish the atmosphere. Just when I complained about the documentary segments in the last episode, they doubled down on them. Guess I'll keep my thoughts to myself from now on.