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Reseñas (7,536)


La casa torcida (2017) 

inglés I was really looking forward to this film but was somewhat disappointed with the result. It wasn't bad, I just expect more of a film adaptation of a book by Agatha Christie. The story seemed rather mediocre. Only the ending stood out - it was excellent. Concerning the acting performances, a special mention goes to Christina Hendricks and Glenn Close who entertained me the most.


La seducción (2017) 

inglés I didn't find the film worth a second watch. It was a truly unconventional take on the war between the North and the South. I wasn't bored, but I came pretty close. The plot definitely needed livening up. The only performance that stood out for me was Nicole Kidman’s, the others were just too bland.


Hymna aneb Urfidlovačka (2000) (grabación teatral) 

inglés I have mixed feelings about the play as a whole. On the one hand, the opening lecture was interesting and informative. On the other, it was dragging on. I wouldn’t mind if it was a little shorter. I enjoyed the play itself and had a decent laugh. The musical interludes, although to the point, considerably stretched it out. I was absolutely blown away by Mareš's theory of the universal Jew and the analysis of bidding at an auction. I was originally going to give it just three stars, but okay, a weak four.


La cabaña (2017) 

inglés I was enraged when I finished watching but I managed to get over myself and gave the film one star after adding up all the good moments this poetic piece had to offer. I felt angry for wasting two hours and twelve minutes of my life that could have been used in a much more useful way by just blankly staring at a wall the whole time. Well, I have only myself to blame. It was obvious that this was going to be a movie for typical American religious fanatics and hypocrites right from the start. The story about an Indian princess (WTF?) was a massive red flag. The creators acted like they were presenting some kind of a deeper message to the viewer, but it was basically just Christian propaganda. The only thing that made me laugh was when I remembered the joke about little Jesus furiously jumping on the surface of the lake, screaming, "I wanna go in the water! I wanna go in the water!"


Barry Seal: El traficante (2017) 

inglés A pretty enjoyable film starring a living testament to the effectiveness of American plastic surgery. These biographical films are often only barely scratched by reality, but then there’s also black humor, action and suspense, which is a combination that works for me. I've never been a huge Tom Cruise fan, but I must admit the role of Barry Seal was a perfect fit for him. Plus, I even got a good dose of 70s and 80s retro vibes, including the soundtrack, so I quite enjoyed the film.


Baby Driver (2017) 

inglés The filmmakers pulled off an undemanding film which doesn't make you ponder philosophical questions, but isn’t dumb either. The film was visually great, and despite the constantly playing music, I don't feel the need to complain about the soundtrack (thank god Enrique's whiny hits were absent). It was probably one of the last films where they didn't edit out the sick pervert and a favorite of mine, Kevin Spacey. It may not be five-star material, but I enjoyed it a lot.


Una noche fuera de control (2017) 

inglés An average movie (actually more like below average), but when I turned off my brain, the film didn't make me suffer in any way. Zoë Kravitz wasn't bad to look at (just like her mom), and Scarlett Johansson thankfully didn't have that determined look she tends to go for in Avengers films. I even got to laugh during some scenes, so instead of a serious critical review, I'm giving it three stars.


La gran enfermedad del amor (2017) 

inglés The film had a really slow start for my taste. I didn't really get why it was supposed to be a comedy. Ironically, I only got it when things started to get serious and Emily's parents came on the scene. That's when I started enjoying myself and it lasted almost till the end of the film. Almost. The ending was all-American, sappy and predictable and robbed the film of a potential fourth star.


Doc Martin - Old Dogs (2005) (episodio) 

inglés The doctor was just as accommodating in the first episode of the second series as he was in the first season, and I was pleased with his new assistant/secretary/receptionist played by Katherine Parkinson. The ordinary life of ordinary people in an ordinary English town reliably entertained me, as usual.


Padres por desigual (2015) 

inglés A weak three stars. Some moments had me laughing out loud (the U ramp, the basketball, or the motorbike), but the film also had way too many dull moments, which were unfunny or downright cringey. The supporting characters, Griff and Leo, were great, I would even venture to say that it was thanks to them that the film got over a few weaker moments.