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Tokyo Vice - Season 1 (2022) (temporada) 

inglés Season 1 didn’t start off very fast - the episodes really could have done with a quicker pace. From the third episode on, my satisfaction started growing; I assumed that the creators were preparing the viewers for a spectacular finale but I ended up just staring blankly at the screen like a little boy who’s had his toy taken away by another kid on the playground. My disappointment wasn’t so much about the series itself but about the ending, or rather non-ending. / Lesson learned: If feminists really care about women's rights, they should start fighting for them in Japan or Iran.


Tokyo Vice - Yoshino (2022) (episodio) 

inglés The finale really left me hanging, and the creators kinda dropped the ball. I was expecting a gritty conclusion, and yeah, I'll admit my wild imagination went as far as envisioning decapitations and flying body parts. But all we got were a few slaps and some not-so-friendly threats. The plot wasn't bad at all, and I'd easily give it four stars, if it weren't for that equivalent of a Nigerian letter. Seriously, how naive does someone have to be to fall for a trick from a notorious liar? I had to take one star down for that. / Lesson learned: Don't let someone hit you on the head, it could have lasting consequences.


After Life: Más allá de mi mujer - Episode 2 (2020) (episodio) 

inglés I have a hunch that Ricky Gervais initially planned just a six-part miniseries, which he neatly wrapped up. It feels like, after the success of those initial episodes, Netflix jumped on the bandwagon for more, making Tony grasp for our attention solely through self-pity and depression, leaving all the humor to the supporting characters. At least they're nailing it. / Lesson learned: Greed breeds mediocrity. 4*-


Cómo acabar con tu jefe (2011) 

inglés Even on a second watch, a standard unpretentious comedy with a surprisingly good cast, which doesn’t make you think too hard about its timeless philosophical message. As the film didn't put too much strain on my mental capacity, I could just switch off and have a good time. The quality of the humor was fluctuating, but I enjoyed it quite a lot overall. It even made me laugh out loud a few times, so it did serve its purpose. I think Dale was in the worst situation out of the three bullied employees. I can only imagine how frustrating it must be to be required to perform physically demanding tasks beyond your job description every single day without getting paid for the extra work. I can’t think of greater emotional stress. Let alone how unsanitary it is. / Lesson learned: Don't cut cocaine with dust.


After Life: Más allá de mi mujer - Episode 1 (2020) (episodio) 

inglés The opening episode didn't quite light the fire like most of the first season, mainly because Tony lost a chunk of his personality. The heartless cynic vibe is gone, leaving us with just his self-pitying, depressive side. I was close to giving it only three stars, but yoga, the postman, the psychologist, Kath's hunt, and especially the oldest Tambury resident, saved the day. / Lesson learned: Keep the postman outside the gate. 4*-


After Life: Más allá de mi mujer - Episode 6 (2019) (episodio) 

inglés For the first time in this series, I gave it "just" four stars because, in the final episode, I really missed Tony's usual, gloomy take on life. The new and improved Tony might have been more palatable to the folks around him, but personally, I missed the OG Tony. His exposed humanity just wasn't the same without that protective shell. / Lesson learned: If the Nazis are after you, make sure you hide real good.


Tokyo Vice - Sometimes They Disappear (2022) (episodio) 

inglés I'm afraid the upward trend in the quality of the series came to a halt. The plot, while not weak, didn't quite match up to the previous episode and felt more on par with the fifth. It looks like the creators decided to slow things down before the big finale, hopefully setting the stage for an explosive ending. Either way, you could tell the police investigation took a noticeable dip, and the yakuza conflicts somewhat stagnated. Like I said, this episode felt a lot like the calm before the storm, but unlike folks living by the coast, I'm actually looking forward to some proper thunder and lightning. / Lesson learned: Don't get into debt. People might want their money back.


Tokyo Vice - The Information Business (2022) (episodio) 

inglés Some series kick off strong, and it's a wild ride, but as the episodes pile up, the quality often takes a nosedive. This one started off kind of slow, but it just keeps on getting better. This episode had me so hooked that I didn't even bother nitpicking, just went ahead and slapped a solid five stars on it. The creators are doing a great job stitching together looser plotlines into a tight logical story which has a decent atmosphere, a hefty dose of manipulation and intrigue, plus, as a bonus, some unfiltered violence. / Lesson learned: Seek and ye shall find. Sometimes even things you didn't seek.


Tokyo Vice - Everybody Pays (2022) (episodio) 

inglés Alright, it's clear now that the creators have found their groove and style, and lucky for me, I'm vibing with both. Episode five took me back to Tokyo, and I gotta say, no complaints on this end. The whole code of honor lifestyle still fascinates me, and honestly, I kind of wish our politicians would apply the same punishment for its violation as the yakuza do. Just imagine the sight of dozens of politicians, forced to operate a mobile phone with their noses due to a complete absence of fingers. Yep, even criminals can come up with some surprisingly good ideas. / Lesson learned: That's what you get for asking questions.


Tokyo Vice - I Want It That Way (2022) (episodio) 

inglés The creators came up with an intriguing storyline that cranked up the drama with the Yakuza and dropped some surprising discoveries regarding loan sharks. So, despite the sluggish start, the plot got me hooked.