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  • Drama
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  • Documental
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Reseñas (1,115)


De la India a París en un armario de Ikea (2018) 

inglés An incredibly nice caress for the soul imbued with the exotic scent of distant India, which put a smile on my face and perfectly improved my mood. I won't go into it further, you can make your own image of it. I simply had a great time and I will gladly return to Fakir again sometime. I must not forget to mention that Dhanush is really likable and the title role suited him perfectly. (90%)


Gracie's Choice (2004) (telepelícula) 

inglés Excessive attempts to appeal to the viewer's emotions and a one-sided view of the whole matter do this film a disservice. While the subject and cast look promising, this waste of potential hurts all the more. (60%)


Saphirblau (2014) 

inglés Basically, it's a penny-dreadful with a dash of fantasy. The acting performances of most of the actors involved are desperately mediocre, and the special effects are even worse. But if I turn off my brain, it is possible to watch it. (40%)


Vivir rodando (1995) 

inglés Living in Oblivion is probably the best and funniest film about filmmaking I've ever seen. Steve Buscemi, as usual, did not disappoint and clearly enjoyed his role as the frustrated director. But the biggest surprise for me was Dermot Mulroney, and I often teared up with laughter during his scenes. (85%)


La casa torcida (2017) 

inglés The unexpected denouement of an intricate criminal case says a lot about why Agatha Christie was, and still remains, the uncrowned queen of crime fiction. In addition, Crooked House has a stellar cast, led by Glenn Close and Gillian Anderson. It's just a shame that the plot drags on and on, which doesn't help the otherwise well-crafted atmosphere of growing tension and suspicion in the country estate. (65%)


Tím pádem (1979) 

inglés Tím pádem is a good comedy from a rural setting with a rather novel theme and the slightly goofy main character Amadeus Mack, who you just have to root for, whether he's making flying machines and trying to soar to the heavens or pursuing a beautiful doctor. (80%)


Backbeat (1994) 

inglés I had no idea that Lennon's great friend from painting school, Stuart Sutcliffe, was behind the birth of The Beatles. In addition to looking at the beginnings of the legendary band, the filmmakers focus mainly on Stuart's love affair with German photographer Astrid Kirchherr, for whom he eventually left the band to pursue painting, which he found more fulfilling than becoming a famous musician. The film is permeated through and through with rousing rock'n'roll, which made me enjoy the story of a life wasted in the prime of youth. (80%)


Solo Dios perdona (2013) 

inglés Dull awfulness spiced up with a bit of atmosphere will still remain awfulness. Clearly, the creative skills of Nicolas Winding Refn have been stripped away. Ryan Gosling could have spared himself the effort of preparing for his role as a Thai boxing coach because it was completely useless. I absolutely can't understand how Kristin Scott Thomas got caught up in this cheap rip-off of David Lynch. (20%)


L'Odyssée du Loup (2019) (telepelícula) 

inglés This is definitely not a classic nature documentary. Vincent Steiger boldly set out to reconstruct the true story of a young wolf with golden yellow eyes named Slava, who was kicked out of the pack by the alpha male because of his disobedience. The lone wolf then embarks on an incredible journey across Europe, 3,600 km long, from the forests of Romania to the Cantabrian Mountains in northern Spain, to find a suitable place where he can live happily with the pack he has managed to establish during his harrowing journey. This visually striking film shows the tenacity and resilience of wild animals, over which, fortunately, the human race still does not have full power. Thanks to the skilled Slava, I firmly believe and hope that man will never succeed in enslaving the wolves, or completely eradicating them. (95%)