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Terminator Salvation (2009) 

inglés The world of a dark future, which Cameron only hinted at, which gave a sense of something unknown and which I never wanted to see on screen, so that its menacing atmosphere would not disappear. Exactly this world is brought to us by McG with Skynet and the Resistance Movement, and to my great relief, he manages to dispel all concerns already with the exposition. There are plenty of reasons to be joyful after all. Whether it's both the dignified opponents at the center of the action, the crucial supporting characters, or the gallery of Terminator villains. But above all, the feeling that the saga was meant to come to these moments. For the direct continuation, thanks to the feeling that something great is being born, I enthusiastically supported it. However, the reality was different.


Prison Break: Evasión final (2009) (telepelícula) 

inglés Logic was long forgotten and many mistakes are present just out of habit. And yet, I can't really ridicule Final Break because the whole series deserved a finale that wouldn't force the viewer to hate almost all the main characters and wish for it to end. Any ending. The paradox, then, is that although Michael's relationship with Sara still works wonderfully even after all these years and countless twists, the last few minutes of the regular final part were probably a more dignified and nostalgic farewell. And the biggest pity is that the viewer at the end pauses mainly to wonder if it was necessary to conclude everything like this after all the ingenious and overcomplicated plans. As the decision to revive the series a few years later clearly signifies, it was not.


Point Pleasant (2005) (serie) 

inglés Drama, thriller or genre crossover? Unfortunately, a little bit of everything. While the storyline initially opens up engagingly, it later unnecessarily recedes into the background, leaving much more space for a mysterious atmosphere. To catch your breath, even just before the end. I don't exactly know what to complain about because the whole series is filled with tension and significant surprises, and anytime Lucas appears, I can't help but become a fan. But this story deserved a proper resolution. One of the creators, Marti Noxon, admitted that during the filming of the finale, it was clear that there would be no continuation, and even though the escalated situation won't change many things and important plotlines will remain open, the last minutes clearly showed me that Point Pleasant wouldn't work with multiple seasons. In the end, considering the ongoing high satisfaction, it was a slightly surprising slight disappointment, but still excellently directed, unpredictable, and subtly anti-church series. 75%


Star Trek: La próxima generación (1994) 

inglés This crew is very difficult to get used to. Even more so because at the beginning, a fraction of the original crew flashes by and shows that they could still handle it. But time has moved forward quite a bit, and a sloppy story based on something called Nexus takes precedence, which ultimately contradicts all its principles. And when the viewer gets a direct comparison, Shatner, surprisingly overshadowed by Stewart, defeats him by a class difference? In the end, it is a shocking weakness that only gains points for Kirk and loses a lot for what it does with his character. The Next Generation's legs were cut out from under them before they even took their place on the silver screen.


X-Men Orígenes: Lobezno (2009) 

inglés Adrenaline, excitement, fascinating action, and Jackman. Although Gavin Hood doesn't go through complicated storylines or delve into deep psychological exploration, it's beyond me how the creator of the desperately average Rendition could create such an amazing tribute to Logan. I simply rejoiced in everything, from the warrior Wolverine, to the lone Wolverine, to the expectedly raging Wolverine. Nevertheless, I acknowledge that this five-star review is probably highly personal.


Ángeles y demonios (2009) 

inglés Robert is searching for life, discreetly flirts, and makes enemies wherever he can. Again. But this time, he struggles with a few things regarding The Code. Most notably, he loudly screams a few clichés of the genre. The main characters play for life-saving minutes, but nevertheless, around every corner, there is an explanation for random symbolic curiosities. And most importantly, the syndrome of the second part arrives in its strongest form. Once again, a damaged body, an attractive and randomly found partner, and once again, a punchline that slightly undermines the impact of previous twists. However, I still have to give it a better score of 70%, whether it's because with another actor, Langdon would become just a pawn, which Hanks brilliantly prevents, or because Ewan McGregor celebrates a phenomenal comeback. But mainly because I would not have guessed those two hours to be even halfway through, as everything swiftly zooms by, the plot never pauses for a moment, and the box of the archaeological-adventure film is filled to the maximum.


Star Trek (2009) 

inglés After successfully watching all the feature-length adventures of the old crew, I smiled indulgently at the passion of all the Trekkies and welcomed the restart of their adventures mainly because of Abrams behind the camera. When a tear dropped at Kirk's birth, I became uncertain, but I attributed it mainly to the huge emotional intensity of the opening minutes. But when another tear dropped just because Leonard Nimoy appeared on the screen, I realized that despite all possible objections, I am a fan who devours every minute. Whether it's breathtaking ice adventures, a smile at the fact that Čechov had an amazing accent from the first minutes on the Enterprise, or the realization that James Tiberius Kirk is cool even without Shatner's charisma. A week after the screening, it is ultimately 90%. I rejoice at the registration into the Starfleet, and perhaps only the first adventure of promising novices could have been a bit more original than a confrontation with an angry avenger. But something tells me that the second time around, it will be at maximum warp. P.S.: The second screening definitively revealed a spectacle without a dull moment. Hopefully, no blockbuster deserved a new series like the voyages of the USS Enterprise.


Bible Black - Gaiden (2002) (temporada) ¡Boo!

inglés Another batch of a tortured attempt at a dark thriller interspersed with incredibly boring sex scenes. Compared to the original Bible Black, there are more dialogues, attempts at a story, and even the final demon is somewhat interesting. However, it is yet another blow to the face for anyone looking for any quality in hentai anime. The rating in the blue spectrum still fascinates even after years.


Star Trek VI: Aquel país desconocido (1991) 

inglés Politics, mistrust, betrayal, and detective story. In the last adventure of the old crew of Star Trek, it became a regular drama with everything including a prison asteroid, melancholic self-reflection of the main heroes, or Shatner kissing. Such an attempt to elevate the series to a "more dignified" level is even more sympathetic because the spectacularly nostalgic ending was not far from a genuine heartwarming happy ending. 70%


Star Trek V: La última frontera (1989) 

inglés Accepting the Farthest Frontier means coming to terms with the fact that the mood will significantly differ from what the viewer experienced in The Voyage Home. Instead of delving into American society, clichés such as a stepbrother or another hateful Klingon are introduced, and attempts to create a good mood through camping or a damaged Enterprise feel forced. Nevertheless, the fifth installment surprisingly earns positive points from me, especially for its second half. The visions sparked by Sybok and the final conversation with Him are literally amazing, whether it be the suspenseful atmosphere or the controversy that Shatner and Loughery daringly provoke. Without unnecessary digressions and with a clearer goal from the beginning, it could be the peak of the series.

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