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Reseñas (2,365)


Magnolia (1999) 

inglés If I were to review Magnolia objectively, I wouldn't be able to give it any lower rating than the highest one. Fortunately, I can evaluate it purely based on my own opinion, and despite Anderson's flawless direction, I couldn't help but feel that three hours is too long and somewhat unnecessary. Of course, all the storylines are interconnected, and individual characters couldn't be removed, but the whole competition, the host, and the genius young man around it all felt terribly boring to me, and I was looking forward to when the story would switch to someone else, which unfortunately applies to former contestant Macy as well. On the other hand, Cruise, Hoffman, and Reilly are amazing, and whenever any of them had the opportunity to showcase their acting skills, I was consistently moved.


El precio del poder (1983) 

inglés While I was excited during the escalating start (the scene with the chainsaw is full of tension and action), the unremarkable and gradually intensifying ending strongly began to annoy me due to De Palma's directorial style filled with static shots against a background of "roaring" music. Pacino was, of course, amazing, I believed every gesture from him from the first to the last (although I was annoyed that I couldn't really identify with his gangster character), and I probably can't help but admire him, but honestly, the other actors, including Michelle Pfeiffer, are not worth mentioning. Considering my expectations, the final feelings after watching the film are almost negative, because the famous Scarface is only a predictably solid average in terms of plot.


Eyes Wide Shut (1999) 

inglés This desire truly burns the viewer and most importantly, it matures within them. It may have been a long time since I saw the film, but the suggestive feeling of presence at the ritual or paranoid thoughts of Bill still remain. Cruise and Nicole are brilliant, and Kubrick's construction of atmosphere with the help of minimalist musical accompaniment is also exceptional.


How to Irritate People (1968) (telepelícula) 

inglés It's not purely Monty Python-esque (mainly because Monty Python didn't exist at the time of filming), but Cleese, Chapman, and Palin still maintain this very peculiar attempt at a strong above-average level. The best scene: the airplane. This isn't just humor, it's pure genius.


El Hobbit (1977) (telepelícula) 

inglés From the position of once a truly devoted (perhaps annoying to others) and now perhaps deserving Tolkien fan, I still have to give it three stars despite many incomprehensible scenes. The Hobbit is not a bad movie, but compared to Jackson's trilogies or the actual book mythology, it obviously doesn't hold up and should be taken only as a standalone fairy tale with a nod to the knowledgeable ones. Gandalf, Bilbo, and the dwarves are fine, as well as the songs, because adapting Tolkien himself with all the digressions is no joke. But if someone turns Gollum into a crossbreed of an alien and a frog, twists the noble elves into greenish creatures, and turns Sméagol into an oversized jackal, then the impression of a pleasant adaptation is suddenly gone. Not to mention that the bearded Elrond with stars around his head will haunt me in my dreams.


8/64: Ana - Aktion Brus (1964) ¡Boo!

inglés What's worse than seeing two films by Kurt Kren? Seeing the third one. All of you who have come across my comment without knowing what it's about, run away from this self-absorbed idiot as far as possible.


En la cuerda floja (2005) 

inglés Some movies will thoroughly change you, even with a proper distance. I mocked the country at the time of watching, Reese I more or less ignored, and everything was suddenly different after the screening. Although I don't actively listen to Cash, I took all the life warnings that Walk the Line subtly throws one after another to heart, and (however pathetically it may sound) I would like to believe that they helped me several times to turn correctly at the most important crossroads. This biographical spectacle is not among my top ten, not even among my top fifty. However, there is so much truth in it regarding temptations, difficult decisions, love, and career, that I once put Phoenix's portrait from the cartoon poster in my avatar - and I have kept it there until today. A personal film in the most obvious sense of the word.


Stanley Kubrick: Una vida en imágenes (2001) 

inglés A document that keeps the viewer's attention throughout its entire duration, which is an impressive feat for 142 minutes. For fans of Stanley Kubrick, it is a must-watch and likely to provide immense satisfaction. For me, as a viewer who does not worship Kubrick but recognizes and respects him, it is a valuable journey into the behind-the-scenes of his iconic works. Surprisingly, the most captivating aspects for me were the circumstances surrounding the creation of my favorite films, A Clockwork Orange and Eyes Wide Shut. I would endure the usual praise for the director, as it is well-deserved, but comments like "Film history is divided into the films before Kubrick and the films after Kubrick" have become a bit excessive.

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