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Reseñas (1,995)


El dragón rojo (2002) 

inglés Remember the various directorial ideas from Silence of the Lambs, such as the bell scene at the end, the psycho showing off in front of the mirror, or the night vision goggles? You won't find anything similarly refreshing here. Rattner is wooden, a man of routine who sticks one ordinary shot after another, and the result is so uninteresting and boring. It has no atmosphere, only once, at the end of the film, did a faint chill run down my spine. Norton and Keitel sucked, not to mention Hopkins, on the other hand Emily Watson and Fiennes were great and they are the only reason to watch this movie. So, the two stars are only because of them. Rattner, go back to the B-movies!


Los ángeles de Charlie (2000) 

inglés It’s impossible to get mad at this kind of deliberately stylized bollocks. Turn your brain off, stick your hand in the popcorn or something else, put on an amusedly ironic smile and it won’t even matter that it's stupid, what matters is that Lucy Liu flips her hair and Drew Barrymore is great behind the steering wheel.


Enemigos: Ecks contra Sever (2002) ¡Boo!

inglés Fans of bad movies, you have to see this!!! Lucy Liu massacres an entire host of men, even the Terminator would piss his pants in front of her. The whole film hovers in a kind of haze of unbelievability, starting with the "script" and ending with the execution; the director's name Kaos cannot be a coincidence. If you like to have fun at the creators' expense, this will be a great choice. The rating is very clear, Boo! Just that.


Plan 9 del espacio exterior (1959) 

inglés 5 stars. Some of you might think I’ve had a stroke, but there are two ways you can judge a film like this, rationally or with your heart. Rationally, it’s rubbish obviously, because you just don't see something so cinematically awful every day. But with my heart it’s a clear five stars, because I had so much fun! Aside from three boring and long dialogue scenes, it's one blunder after another. The most memorable highlight for me is the scene where the vampire chases the pilot's wife through the cemetery. Thanks to the unearthly awful editing, day and night, light and twilight, Bela Lugosi in a static shot and his body double with his face obscured so that you can't tell it's not Lugosi (which is, of course, very funny), alternate in the same moment. This sequence instantly became one of my top 10 favorite movie scenes of all time. Reason defies belief that this was not Ed Wood's intention. The interior of the alien spaceship is also amazing, consisting of two tables, one stool, a couple of receivers and one ladder (!!!). But the crown on top is the army commander who in one scene orders the army the open fire. It is supposed to look like he is standing somewhere outside, but behind his back you can see a studio wall with folds on which the actor is casting a shadow. And there are countless similar gems. The whole thing is so horribly bad and yet so entertaining that it's beyond normal rating categories. That's why I say let's love Ed Wood, the world of cinema would be more boring without him.


Terminator 3: La rebelión de las máquinas (2003) 

inglés Mostow directed a decent action ride, but it doesn't bring anything new and will soon fizzle out of your head. Cameron's Terminator 2 was a revolutionary feat that has become an immortal film classic, Mostow's T3 will become at most a video store staple. Surprisingly, there are a few deaf spots and especially a strange ending that more like an open door for a sequel it feels like a barn door. Arnold is getting a bit old, but it doesn't matter, he has his charm. Judging by the reviews I expected him to be spouting one catchphrase after another, but it's not that hot. So the biggest asset of the film for me is my new sex icon Kristene Loken as a revamped version of the Terminator. The juxtaposition of a cruel killing machine in the guise of a beautiful woman is quite a turn-on, and Loken playfully puts Arnold in her pocket with her performance. I hope it's not just Terminator in her case.


Última llamada (2002) 

inglés KIEFER RULES! The main star in this inventive thriller for me is not the great Colin Farrell, but the absolutely perfect voice performance of Keifer Shuterland. I wouldn’t want to see this film dubbed. And I also wonder how the video distributors will handle it when converting it to VHS format. Schumacher divides the screen into several windows in which we see the plot running simultaneously from different locations. It's nothing new, but I like this method often used in the 1960s.


Muerte en Venecia (1971) 

inglés Seen on a wide screen in the classy premises of Slovácké divadlo and I have to say that it was my greatest experience at SFS so far!! A visual and auditory feast with Visconti's incredible magic with images and the divine music of Gustav Mahler. Even the story, however simple, can captivate with its poignancy on the theme of forbidden love and the decay of society and the human spirit. However, it is how and where you see the work that is essential to the overall impression. This really belongs in the cinema.


El borracho (1987) 

inglés I like Bukowski's poetics, I like the lifestyle of the layabout and so I have almost all words of praise for Barfly. The actors representing the social underbelly are well chosen, and so in my opinion the only weakness is the one that should have been the biggest trump card, I can't help but think Mickey Rourke overacts a lot. Still, you have to like his character of a barroom lout who imposes almost noble, aristocratic elements on his loafing. But Faye Dunaway, what a great surprise! She’s flawless. Not only is she a good actress, but she somehow shines through without pounds of make-up and you can see that she is still a beautiful woman despite her age. But you know what? Sod this bollocks! Let’s go for a drink.


Psicosis (1960) 

inglés When I saw Psycho in a packed cinema, it evoked more laughter than horror. It wasn't laughter of relief in response to something shocking, but in response to some now unintentionally funny dialogue and situations towards the end of the film. Times change and what worked 40 or more years ago doesn't have the same power today. I appreciate Hitchcock's great surprise for the uninitiated (the famous shower scene and its completely unexpected consequence) and the shocking twist. The black-and-white cinematography is also excellent, and the realities of where the film takes place are impressive. But overall, Hitchcock's most famous film didn't leave a deep mark on me. Just because it was made by the great Master himself, I won't waste a full rating. From a historical point of view, five stars. From a purely subjective point of view and overall emotional experience, a decent four stars.


La chaqueta metálica (1987) 

inglés The green-brain one-man-show in the first act is perfect, but as soon as the plot shifts to Vietnam, the film starts to creak. Actually, nothing important happens during those two acts. There is no deeper thought, nothing that would leave me with an emotional experience, which I would expect from a Kubrick film. Moreover, the "Vietnam" locations are rather unconvincing and Kubrick can't do battle scenes. I know better films about the Vietnam war.