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Reseñas (1,970)


El paciente inglés (1996) 

inglés A clear victory of form over content. Breathtaking shots of the desert, beautiful music by Gabriel Yared and excellent actors. The plot is a bit weak, but you can forgive that in this film, because it is quite a feast for the eyes and ears.


Los gritos del silencio (1984) 

inglés I would make all voters of the Communist Party watch this film, because this is what it looks like when communism is put into practice. Joffé perfectly portrayed the dark atmosphere of genocidal Cambodia under the Khmer Rouge, the communist uniformity and brainwashing makes you sick, many scenes will give you the chills. In Pol Pot’s Cambodia, almost anything was possible in terms of evil and trampling on human dignity, so it is not surprising that even a "little girl with a blue plastic bag" can easily become synonymous with death. The performance of Cambodian non-actor Haing S. Ngor as Dith Pran, an interpreter who experiences the Pol Pot regime first-hand, is riveting and rightfully Oscar-winning. Interesting fact, Haing himself went through the hell of the Pol Pot regime, which makes his performance all the more believable.


Frenético (1988) 

inglés An average thriller with a banal story. Ford gives a performance of a lifetime, but otherwise there's nothing in this film that will catch your attention, including the awkward ending. You can make better films, Mr. Polanski.


Mad Max, más allá de la cúpula del trueno (1985) 

inglés A big shift towards the mainstream compared to the previous parts, also thanks to the participation of Tina Turner. Still, a properly wacky affair, during which I had quite a good time. Some scenes, like the fight in the arena with the chainsaws, were good, others less so (there was too much shit for my taste), overall a very decent sequel.


Motín a bordo (1984) 

inglés The lavish production design, Gibson and Hopkins, and Vangelis's music make this historical drama a very watchable affair. Some people got bored, others enjoyed. I am among the latter.


Vidas al límite (1995) 

inglés An acting class by Di Caprio and Thewlis. Di Caprio is magnificent as a homosexual poet who emotionally abuses his partner, and so inherently disgusting that even a fan who has seen Titanic 40 times would slap him.


Romeo + Julieta (1996) 

inglés I don't buy Luhramnn's attempt to be original at all costs in this film. I loved Moulin Rouge but here those annoying disco numbers irritated me, they didn’t move the plot forward, they were utterly unnecessary. Some have disliked the setting of the Shakespearean classic to the modern era, but I think the film benefited from it. The film is worth watching if only for the performances of Di Caprio and Danes.


La playa (2000) 

inglés (Written a decade ago, at a time when it was fashionable among "film buffs" to ridicule DiCaprio, who for many years carried on his pretty boy legacy after the premiere of Titanic). The general fad of Di Caprio bashing has thankfully passed me by, and so I enjoyed this likeable film without judgement, unlike many of my friends. An interesting story with a deeper message, a very attractive setting and a great soundtrack. Many people didn't even want to see it on the dubious principle of "because that idiot is there". Their mistake.


Don Juan DeMarco (1994) 

inglés If you want to see a nice romantic movie, a bland Depp and a two hundred kilogram Brando, feel free to give this a watch. Perfect to kill a boring evening.


El sentido de la vida (1983) 

inglés Narratively fragmented, with weaker moments interspersed with absolutely brilliant ones. But the brilliant ones prevail, as usual with Monty Python. The vomiting scene is absolutely unforgettable, you just don't see something so perversely funny every day.