Panos H. Koutras

Panos H. Koutras

Atény, Grecia


Panos H. Koutras (Athens) studied at the London International Film School and then in Paris at the Sorbonne. From 1985 to 1995 he lived in Paris and London and made several short films which participated in festivals such as the London FF and the Festival du Cinéma Méditerranéen, where in 1991 his short film The Fall and Rise of Lydia Von Burer won First Prize. In 1995 he founded 100% Synthetic Films and started working on his first feature, The Attack of the Giant Moussaka (Epithesi tou gigantiaiou mousaka, 2000). His next film, Real Life (Alithini zoi, 2004), became a critics’ favorite in Greece (winning the 2004 National Critics Award) and traveled to the Toronto IFF. A Woman’s Way, which premiered at the 59th Berlinale (Panorama section), is his third feature.

46. IFF Karlovy Vary






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