Paloma Zapata

Paloma Zapata


Paloma Zapata is a director, screenwriter, editor and producer. After graduating in Fine Arts, she debuted in the film industry as assistant director and screenwriter in Los Caprichos de Goya.  In 2005 she founded in Barcelona "La Fábrica Naranja", initially a collective that in 2008 became an audio-visual production company, specialised in music videos, working with important record labels and singers. She also made some forays into fiction with the short film La Fábula del dibujante, and in advertising. Interested in independent and auteur cinema. From 2016 she has focused on music documentary filmmaking, aspiring to reach international circuits and festivals. She has also done research in hybrid cinematographic language between documentary and fiction. Her projects concentrate on themes related to music, culture and dance, always integrating social themes elements. In 2016 her feature documentary Casamance, la banda sonora de un viaje was premiered. In 2018 she directed Peret: yo soy la rumba, which received several awards. In 2022 Juliette & Camille was selected at various festivals Like Malaga receiving an award.

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La Singla