Matthew Gordon

Matthew Gordon


Born in Baltimore, Maryland, USA on December 12, 1970, Matthew attended high school in Baltimore at Gilman School where he began his interes in photography, music nad the arts.
He graduated from Middlebury College in 1993 with a degree in liberal arts and went on to teach in eastern Europe for two years before directing and photographing his first feature documentary, NOVI SAD, about the youth culture of Serbia during the Bosnian war in 1996. Matthew graduated from the directing program at the American Film Institute in 2005. His thesis film at AFI, THE HONEYFIELDS (2005, 21min.), was accepted at film festivals all over the world and won numerous prizes.
Matthew has been working in film and television for 15 years while living in New York City, Los Angeles, and Texas during these years. The majority of his work has focused on making documentaries for television on topics ranging from international politics to resident doctors to police dramas. His credics include field producer for the TV documentary series THE FIRST 48, DALLAS SWAT, and RESIDENT LIFE for American television.
THE DYNEMITER is the first feature film Matthew has directed. He lives and works with his wife, Marianne, between New York City and Dallas, Texas.

Film Movement



The Dynamiter