
As the film opens, Yumeji is on a scenic trip to Kanazawa, where he plans to meet Hikono (Masumi Miyazaki), his lover. Instead, he falls for Tomoyo, a recent widow whose husband, Wakiya (Yoshio Harada), was slain by the murderously jealous Onimatsu. Complications ensue when Wakiya returns from the dead; Onimatsu is understandably distraught. Yumeji is not deterred, however, setting out to seduce Tomyo while avoiding the rages of Wakiya and Onimatsu, as well as a phalanx of ghosts, apparitions, and nightmares. (texto oficial de la distribuidora)


Bandas sonoras



Original Motion Picture Soundtrack

Publicó: First Name Soundtracks

Año: 2013

País: Japón

Formato: digital, CD

Duración: 06:44

Lista de canciones
1. Yumeji's Theme (Theme From 'In The Mood For Love') Shigeru Umebayashi 02:30
2. On The Lake Shigeru Umebayashi 01:49
3. Efude Shigeru Umebayashi 02:25
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