Community - Season 1 (2009) (temporada)

Inglés como segundo idioma (S01E24)

  • Estados Unidos English as a Second Language

Streaming (1)


En la víspera de un importante examen final de español, las notas de todos peligran al descubrirse que el señor Chang esconde un secreto importante. (Netflix)

Reseñas (1)


todas reseñas del usuario (a esta serie)

inglés If I were to write what I liked about this episode, I'd be staring at a blank space. It didn't hit the mark for me. Sure, there were a couple of moments that got a chuckle out of me, but the creators could've made more effort. I get it, not every episode's gonna be a banger like the one before, but still. / Lesson learned: If someone's pointing a taser at you, drop the keytar. ()