Un beso antes de morir

  • España Bésame antes de morir (más)

Streaming (1)


Wagner es Bud Corliss, un atractivo estudiante obsesionado por hacerse rico y dispuesto a todo para conseguirlo. Cuando su acomodada novia Dorothy (Woodward) se queda embarazada, poniendo en peligro su herencia. Bud orquesta su suicidio y la arroja al vacío desde una azotea. Es el crimen perfecto, hasta que la hermana de Dorothy, Ellen (Leith), empieza a desentrañar el mortífero ardid de Bud. (Filmin)


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inglés If this film were shot in black and white, I think it would have a much better effect than it did in color. Still, the story is good and has quite decent twists, with the final one being quite successful. Overall, the story is based on quite strong foundations and thus manages to build an atmosphere that doesn't go to extremes. ()

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