Český žurnál - Série 6 (2019) (temporada)

Češi jsou výborní houbaři (S06E04)

  • inglés The Czechs Are Excellent Mushroom Pickers (título del festival)


This environmental essay, stylised as a dialogue between two members of a higher intelligence, observes life on Earth, specifically a small area of central Europe. Czechs aren’t exactly perfect when it comes to caring for nature. The mysterious beings cannot understand how, in the name of business and the profit of a few successful entrepreneurs, humans have recklessly disturbed nature’s inherent cycle. The filmmakers look at the issue of the collapsing environment with detachment and humour, but they cannot avoid the fact that it is a serious issue that must be talked about right away and, more importantly, dealt with – unless we want to become fossils for future alien visitors to speculate over. (One World)



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