Bench Cinema

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Iran, 2016, 117 min


In 1980s Iran, Nasi (Mohammad Amir Naji), an enterprising cinéphile, discovers a unique way to overcome government censors: He reenacts banned movies (including Fellini's La Strada and Milos Forman's One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest) in cafés and makeshift outdoor theaters, acting out all of the roles himself and bringing lost treasures to life again. The classics of Hollywood and world cinema delight his village audiences, and his one-man show slowly grows into a small traveling troupe with music, special effects, and even a leading lady - but Nasi eventually learns that real-life relationships don't follow Hollywood's rules. This is the first film made inside Iran by renowned playwright Mohammad Rahmanian, who himself has faced significant censorship over the years. With a virtuosic performance by Naji, Bench Cinema is an unforgettable portrait of Iran's enduring love of international cinema and a tribute to the power of stories to shape reality, and our lives. (Mill Valley Film Festival)

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