Musée à vendre ? - Detroit Institute of Arts

  • inglés Museum for Sale? Detroit Institute of Arts
Francia, 2016, 52 min


Marc de Guerre


It’s the biggest battle over an art museum in the history of the United States, if not the world: is Detroit about to sell its priceless collection of art to save the city from bankruptcy? The Detroit Institute of Arts is home to one of the country’s finest collections, including masterpieces by Van Gogh, Titian, Van Eyck and Bruegel. But in 2013, the once so prosperous city was declared bankrupt. With administrators threatening to pull the plug on pension payments and health cover for thousands of municipal employees, Detroit could sell the artworks in its museum to raise funds… This documentary retraces the story of this battle and explores the universal role of art in people’s lives along the way. (Arte)
