Africa's Super Snake

República Sudafricana, 2017, 45 min


She's 20 feet long. She has no hands, no arms, no legs, but she'll crush you to death in 15 minutes. She's an African Rock python and she's queen of the constrictors - snakes that squeeze for a living. Snakes that grow to 20 feet are few and far between, the fear that these snakes evoke in humans is nothing short of primal. There are 3 that are regulars in this elite club, the Green Anaconda and the Reticulated python, but it's the Rock python that combines her size and strength with a unique speed and aggression that places her at the top of this giant, cold blooded pile. On the savannah of South Africa, she goes about her daily business? But the details of her life are never observed. This is her story. In Kwa Zulu Natal, South Africa, she's greatly feared because of her size, strength and gruesome man-eating reputation. Although attacks on humans are rare, very little is known about her life history, and for that reason, her real life is shrouded in myth and reputation. She's so rarely seen she has almost mythical beast status. How can such a big snake, go about its business right under our noses without being seen? Venture into a dark underworld to uncover the secrets of the Rock Python. (National Geographic)


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