
Mistaken identity turns into thoughtful romantic comedy as Raffy and Gela meet serendipitously as part of a group excursion to the beautiful island of Palawan. Both have their own secret intentions for this trip – one wants to remember and one wants to forget the painful memories of their respective pasts. Because they share a last name, Raffy and Gela are mistaken for a married couple to the excitement of their fellow travelers, a group of new and seasoned lovers. Raffy and Gela decide to go along with the act, discovering that they enjoy each other’s company in increasingly long nights filled with honest conversations on their philosophies of love and healing. Sigrid Andrea Bernardo again infuses her magic into this ruminating journey full of chemistry, charisma, and reflections as clear-cut as the waters of El Nido. Don’t be fooled – Bernardo foregoes sugarcoating sentiments and syrupy gimmicks and instead packs emotional punches like the last tequila shot that sends you over the edge (with a dose of satire for good measure). This rawness keeps Raffy and Gela from being the typical love duo, and instead humanizes them as people searching for peace, happiness, and wholeness. (San Diego Asian Film Festival)
