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Las mejores películas en la plataforma de streaming



gudaulinLos miserables(2019) 

Based on a single film, I can't estimate whether a francophone Spike Lee was born, but as a feature-length debut, Les Misérables is an extraordinary film full of energy, uncompromisingness, and rebellion against the… (más)

3DD!3Terminator: Destino oscuro(2019) 

A solid action romp and probably to best sequel to Terminator 2, but it still smacks of yesterday’s mashed potatoes with a few added ingredients. In terms of story, it doesn’t bring anything new apart from the… (más)

kaylinDoctor Sueño(2019) 

Doctor Sleep is an American-British-Canadian production that blatantly rips off some classic movies. For example, there are some scenes from The Shining, only with different actors, which is nice although I did not feel… (más)