Apple TV+ - Plataformas de streaming (VOD)

Apple TV+





Las mejores películas en la plataforma de streaming


POMOLa parada de los monstruos(1932) 

Tod Browning excels as a storyteller. With a precise psychological brush, he presents to us handicapped beings as people who can love, desire, dream and feel envy. And he triumphs narratively by putting them in conflict… (más)

StanislausEl doctor Frankenstein(1931) 

This legendary horror classic brings to life one of the most famous monsters of all time, one that can proudly rival Dracula and the Wolfman. While you have to take into account the year the film was made, there are… (más)

NinadeLEl hombre mosca(1923) 

"So what do you think, young man? I would only take a sample of the first fabric." - "Wie bitte???" Poor Harold had a heart attack and moved on. We all know the rest. It was hung up and a chapter of film history was… (más)

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