Apple TV+ - Plataformas de streaming (VOD)

Apple TV+

Fecha de lanzamiento desconocida  




Las mejores películas en la plataforma de streaming



If Dracula had been mute, it would certainly be better - Bela Lugosi's hypnotic looks would remain, and the other acting performances would only benefit therefrom. This, you can say, is a slightly above-average film in… (más)

lampsSin novedad en el frente(1930) 

If you're looking for the cornerstone in the pyramid of (anti-)war movies, you've come to the right place. The look into the faces of frightened and starving soldiers waiting in the trenches for the fateful order has… (más)

POMOLa parada de los monstruos(1932) 

Tod Browning excels as a storyteller. With a precise psychological brush, he presents to us handicapped beings as people who can love, desire, dream and feel envy. And he triumphs narratively by putting them in conflict… (más)

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