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Las mejores películas en la plataforma de streaming



MalarkeyUna pandilla de pelotas(2005) 

On Saturday afternoon I saw Billy Bob Thornton on TV in his usual role of an alcoholic with a bunch of pretty tough kids around him. So I thought that I’d watch this movie, that it might be good. And it was. I didn’t… (más)

POMOCuatro hermanos(2005) 

In terms of dramatic maturity, Four Brothers is somewhere between the great Boyz n the Hood and the moronic 2 Fast 2 Furious. It’s too literal and seems to be intended for a young, more naïve audience. Chiwetel Ejiofor… (más)

LimaEvasió o victòria(1981) 

An underwhelming film set in a WWII POW camp that may only please die-hard football fans and admirers of Pelé. But even they might get bored, and even great actors can't pull it off.