Apple TV+ - Streaming

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Las mejores películas en la plataforma de streaming


DaViD´82El doctor Frankenstein(1931) 

For me, despite its qualities, Frankenstein is rather disappointing. Even though at first glance everything is as it should be. After all these years it isn’t even ridiculous for a moment, all roles are acted… (más)

NinadeLEl hombre mosca(1923) 

"So what do you think, young man? I would only take a sample of the first fabric." - "Wie bitte???" Poor Harold had a heart attack and moved on. We all know the rest. It was hung up and a chapter of film history was… (más)

gudaulinSin novedad en el frente(1930) 

The film is a dignified adaptation of Remarque's famous novel and at the same time one of the artistic peaks of American interwar film production. Of course, if you look for mistakes in it, you will find them. The… (más)