Apple TV+ - Plataformas de streaming (VOD)

Apple TV+

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Las mejores películas en la plataforma de streaming


POMOLa parada de los monstruos(1932) 

Tod Browning destaca como narrador. Con un preciso pincel psicológico, nos presenta a los seres discapacitados como personas que pueden amar, desear, soñar y sentir celos. Y al ponerlos en conflicto con las personas… (más)

NinadeLEl hombre mosca(1923) 

"So what do you think, young man? I would only take a sample of the first fabric." - "Wie bitte???" Poor Harold had a heart attack and moved on. We all know the rest. It was hung up and a chapter of film history was… (más)

gudaulinLa quimera del oro(1925) 

Usually, I give out stars based on how a film affects me emotionally. Taken from this perspective, I would be more modest in giving stars to The Gold Rush. After all, Charlie Chaplin plays on compassion with the main… (más)

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