Apple TV+ - Plataformas de streaming (VOD)

Apple TV+

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Las mejores películas en la plataforma de streaming



I’ve never been a fan of the Dracula story, for one thing, it never presented me with as many horror and frightening moments as I would expect from such material, and most importantly, vampires as movie monsters are… (más)

Gilmour93La parada de los monstruos(1932) 

"You always use that as an excuse, an alib-b-b-bi..." The film is 60% sitcom set in a circus environment, 15% romance, 15% tragic drama under the patronage of moral monstrosities, and the rest is a bit of horror in the… (más)

DaViD´82El doctor Frankenstein(1931) 

For me, despite its qualities, Frankenstein is rather disappointing. Even though at first glance everything is as it should be. After all these years it isn’t even ridiculous for a moment, all roles are acted… (más)

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